

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[地雷战观后感150字]地雷战观后感150字,地雷战是一部具有教育意义的电影,地雷战观后感150字怎么写,下面带来地雷战观后感150字范文,欢迎阅读。 地雷战观后感150字[1] 今天,我和爸爸一起看了爱国主义...+阅读


The Maze Runner is the first book in a young-adult post-apocalyptic science fiction trilogy ofthe same name by James Dashner.

The novel was published October 20XX by Delacorte Press,an imprint of Random House and is being made into a 20XX major motion picture by 20thCentury Fox.

The novel spawned two sequels:The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.


当电梯打开,他来到了一个陌生的地方林间空地( TheGlade).这里四周被高大的石头墙包围着,墙外有一群巨大的怪兽威胁着墙内人们的生命.墙内住着50位男孩,他们都被困在了绵延不绝的迷宫森林当中.



In the mist of the massive amount of adaptations of young adult novels to film, The Maze Runner was one which stood out as one of my forite novels in recent years.

The Maze Runner captured my attention immediately, even though I had already read the book. How had Thomas ended up in this clunky lift which had brought him to this bizarre place? The question which brings me to my next point, is; who are these strange boys?

Dylan OBrien, as the lead, performed an exceptional job of portraying Thomas; his personality really reflected the terror and anxiousness as Thomas arrived in the Glade, and it was great to see a familiar face from his performances in Teen Wolf.

Aml Ameen was also exceptional, portraying the tough leader of Alby pitch perfectly.

However, when Will Poulter performed as Gally - the dark, dangerous character - I just couldnt get the scene from Were the Millers where Poulters character is bitten on the testicle by a deadly spider.

The action scenes and fighting scenes were performed fantastically by the actors, considering they were running towards and through a green screen, they seemed like they were really there.

I would remend The Maze Runner to all those who enjoy the Science Fiction genre, or those who enjoyed Divergent, I am Number Four, or The Hunger Games - all very similar young adult adaptations. The Maze Runner is a great movie.


The Maze Runner is a science fiction novel, which tells the story of a group of youth who was trapped in a maze, and managed to find the way out in the end.

As a senior readers of wide kinds of sicence fictions, I really dont think this novel has something special which fascinates me the same old story as many story go hero was trapped in a mystery space and this hero must be bre and clever which leads the whole group out of trouble but find out that they are in a even dangerous cirmustance finally.

This kind of stories has alreafy been written many times, The Cube, is a typical example.



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