

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Smile and the world Smiles to you(世界和你一起微笑) Have you ever complained why life is so dull and boring?Does the sky always seem gray to you?are your efforts always in vain?Well,friends,cheer up and remain smile.Remember that attitude determines everything. Every day when you go to school,do you ever notice hoe green the grass is or how beautiful the dew on the grass looks?And isn't it just like a piece of diamond on the green crown of nature?Do you ever notice how colorful the flowers are?They are shaking in the gentle wind.Aren't they like a group of pretty butterflies waving their wings? In fact,what it matters is not that the world is short of colors,but that we are short of hearts with which we can find the beauty.Dear friend,observe the world with your warm heart and positive attitude.You'll find that thw whole world smiles to you.


回眸历史舞动青春800字高中作文大全舞动的青春是红色,张显激情;舞动的青春是绿色,散发活力;舞动的青春是金色,撒下希望;舞动的青春是彩色,充满豪情。——题记 我校最近开展了一次大课间活动,活动时30分钟,分三个环节完...


求一篇80词左右的英语国庆作文!急!It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day. At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station w...

关于国庆的英文作文80词请英语学霸回答We had a seven-day National Holiday. I read lots of interesting books during the holiday. I got up at 8:30. After breakfast I began to do my homework because I...

仰望人生笑对生活 800字作文我想,人的一生好比是一种艺术,有喜怒哀乐,有酸甜苦辣,笑对人生,生活也会对着你笑作文800字.有欢声笑语,有坎坷不平.然而,我们每个 人在自己的舞台上究竟扮演着一种什么样的角色是笑...

理性笑对人生高中作文展开全部 生活中常常有些困难、挫折,许多人往往在平时生活中说自己很强,可以迎难而上,但在真正面对困难与挫折时,往往退缩的就是这些平时夸耀自己的人;而平时很稳重的人,在面对困...

生活需要微笑高中作文800字记叙文有位诗人曾经这样写道:“你需要的话,可以拿走我的面包,可以拿走我的空气,可是别把你的微笑拿走。因为生活需要微笑,也正因为有了微笑,生活便有了生气。 当你失意与沮丧时,不妨笑一...

高中作文面对挫折笑对人生 !《面对挫折笑对人生》作文800字 人之一世,殊为不易。在看似平坦的人生旅途中充满了种种荆棘,往往使人痛不欲生。痛苦之于人,犹狂风之于陋屋,巨浪之于孤舟,水舌之于心脏。百世沧桑...

生活中的笑作文【生活中的笑】 生活中需要微笑微笑犹如一抹阳光,直射向人们的心田,就好像给“快乐”开了一张特殊的通行证。生活中需要微笑。 寂寞的瞬间 我家是高层楼房,乘电梯上、下是每...
