

12月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[激励工作的名言警句]1、 如果你只为薪水而工作,你的生活将因此而陷入平庸之中。你找不到人生中真正的成就感。工作的目的虽然是为了获得报酬,但工作能给你带来的远比工资要多的多; 2、 不要小看自...+阅读

1, the sincere message is the most beautiful overcoat of person , is an intelligent the holiest and purest fresh flower. 2, the sincere message is your no humble price shoes , traverses the length and breadth of a journey filled with numerous difficulties and dangers, mass can't respond to eternal invariable. 3, sincere message resembles a mirror , break in a single day, crack will appear over your personality. 4, the sincere message is a road, with the fact that pioneer's step extends; The sincere message is wisdom , seeks rope accumulation with having a wide knowledge of a scholar's; The sincere message is successful , person's going all out approaches with advancing bravely; The sincere message is the wealth seed , is therefore likely to find the key opening a state treasury as long as your sincere desire moves downwards kind. 5, the sincere message is foundation of conducting self , base of starting one's career. 6, establishes up sincere message campus , sets up up sincere message style of study , becomes the sincere message student. 7, sincere message is to learn to act as an immortal originally. 8, is sincere for message glorious , breaking faith disgraceful. That 9, believes really is to link the intelligent bridge up , to be expert in the people who cheats , to arrive at forever the bridge another one holds without end. The sincere message, is one strands of Qing Quan 10, it will wash away Augean stable cheating , lets everyone the world corner be flowing cleanly.

1、 诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。

2、 诚信是你价格不菲的鞋子,踏遍千山万水,质量也应永恒不变。

3、 诚信像一面镜子,一旦打破,你的人格就会出现裂痕。

4、 诚信是道路,随着开拓者的脚步延伸;诚信是智慧,随着博学者的求索积累;诚信是成功,随着奋进者的拼搏临近;诚信是财富的种子,只要你诚心种下,就能找到打开金库的钥匙。

5、 诚信是做人之根本,立业之基。

6、 创起诚信校园,树起诚信学风,成为诚信学子。

7、 诚信为本,学做真人。

8、 诚信为荣,失信可耻。

9、 诚信是沟通心灵的桥梁,善于欺骗的人,永远到不了桥的另一端。

10、 诚信,是一股清泉,它将洗去欺诈的肮脏,让世界的每一个角落都流淌着洁净。


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