[六年级语文毕业考试作文会考什么题目]我再给学生补习的时候一般都会抓几个重点 具体职能给你题型参考 第一个就是语句病句 包括成语、主谓宾词的正确使用。 第二个是默写诗或者课文的重点段,这要求平常就有所积累...+阅读
1、 2015年12月六级作文预测手机控
3、 2015年12月六级作文预测食品安全
4、 2015年12月六级作文预测如何寻找游伴
5、 2015年12月六级作文预测地铁上吃东西 6 、2015年12月六级作文预测科学能否解决世界难题 2015年12月六级作文预测手机控 题目要求: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people's addiction to smartphones. You should give sound argument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: Addiction to Smartphones Do you check your smartphone frequently? Do you feel distracted if your smartphone is not with you? When there's no wifi or signal for your smartphone, will you get irritated? If you say yes, then you've got addiction to smartphones. Smartphone addiction is a phenomenon that causes a lot of troubles to people. In the first place, it may cause some problems to your health, such as visual fatigue, cervical spondylosis, and even neurasthenia. A friend of mine suffers from a serious spine collapse due to her addiction to smartphones during pregnancy. Secondly, if you keep playing with your phone when you are with your friends or family, you will spend less time talking to them. In fact, it is they who need and deserve to be cared for. Lastly, an excessive reliance on smartphones may weaken your interpersonal skills. When you cannot find a place, you consult your GPS instead of consulting local people. You spare more time playing mobile games than playing real games with real people. As time passes, it's possible that you may have difficulty in communicating with people. Therefore, isn't it better to get rid of smartphone addiction?
以连搭40周年庆为话题写一篇作文600字作文妈妈的手: 它曾经在我失意时给我勇气,在我调皮时对我进行教育,在我流泪时为我擦去眼角的泪痕……它是一双手,一双普通而又充满温暖的手——妈妈的手. 从我呱呱坠地的那一刻开始,...
跪求八年级下册英语作文 1到4单元的那种主要的考试会考的作文I believed in the future people will have own robot .The robot can help people do housework ,and they never get bored. Then people will have lots of time to do...
作文中好词好句马上考试了我初三不知道会考什么作文想找点好词1)描写人物外貌的词语 虎头虎脑 眉清目秀 面红耳赤 白净柔嫩 满面红光 满头银发 目光炯炯 双目如潭 火眼金睛 浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽 衣着得体 (2)描写...
以期待话题的800字高中会考作文回忆是茶,时间是水.于是这水将这茶越冲越淡.当这杯茶已淡得无味的时候,我将其倾出.沏上新的.长此往复...... 期待就是坐上火车看窗外,听说下一站有很美的风景于是我伸长脖子往...
11 29号的雅思作文会考什么一级预测(Highly Possible): 政府决策类 入选理由: 作为两大主流话题之一,上一次被考到还是在8月16日!从29号这次考试到12月的考试,政府类话题有望引来强势回归! 推荐练习真题: The s...
小升初一般会考什么作文在今年的十月,我就已经投入到紧张的小升初考试中,有一些经验了。 我认为在我有些方面做的还不足,1、我应该多在学校争当中队长,大队委等。2、我应该注意提高效率,做题时不慢,应注...
请问大学英语四级考试作文通常都会考什么类型考试出的都是社会热点作文,只要你对这些有自己的观点就可以了。 但考试的时候要注意,尽量用简单的句子表达自己的意思,切莫把想法复杂化,因为四级作文得分主要考得是你驾驭句子...