[回家真好六百字作文]人生的过程如人在旅途,旅途中那个驿站最好,这可要属家里,家里胜过一切。 有家真好,回家真好,回家的感觉与在其他地方的感觉绝对不是一回事。家是自在的,也是自然的。在家里可以不...+阅读
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The opinions or celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to young people than they are to old people. This depends on what angle you are looking at, and surely it wouldn't be an easy question to answer. Particularly for entertainers, who are one of the most important things in old people's life because most of the old people don't work anymore and they need entertainments. So, entertainers entertain them, without entertainers, old people's life would be really boring. But athletes are less important to them, only for those old male population who are still mad about sports. May be they are needed to keep this lot happy. As for young people, both of the above are equally important to them, because young people have ambitions. Some want to be a star either film star or a singer or any sort of entertainer. And some want to be a famous athlete. So they all need influence. Watching their idols perform could inspire them, helping them to achieve better. Therefore, entertainers and athletes are important to both young and the old, only just a matter of degrees that's all. 以上是本人的论点和立场,用英语写出给你,希望会对你有助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。
寻1篇以回家真好为题的作文近了,近了,就要到家了…… 迎面吹来了泥土的芬芳,使我忆起日落前在山坡放牛的伙伴;看着满地高大的玉米秆,使我想起娘那黄澄澄、香喷喷的窝头;听那远处沉沉的闷雷,老爹那弯弯的脊背...
回家真好的作文先抑后扬普通的回家肯定难写出彩,你可以写一次不同寻常的,比如自己受了挫折后回家 给你一个提纲 开头:介绍自己处境,(自己想一个挫折:好比考试失利、自己把自己喜欢的东西弄丢、和同学朋友...
以回家的感觉真好为话题的作文《回家》 他,还记得,二十年前,一大把的纸币和两双粗糙的手,两张渐已憔悴的面孔和一颗向往外面世界的心,就这样他选择了窗外,决意不在山里徘徊……إ是的,他离开了这里的山清水秀,离...
帮忙弄篇作文回家真好回家的感觉长大,有时只在片刻之间。 进入高一的日子,每天都不如以往那样自由自在。也许是我和家的距离拉远,无形之中与父母之间的距离也拉远了吧!我两个星期只打一次电话回家,当...
作文回家的感觉真好320个字回家的感觉真好 家,就像一个安全的避风港,那里不仅有妈妈烧做的美味可口的饭菜,在家里,你还可以做一切自己想做的事情,好好地享受一番。 放假时,我总是喜欢出门与伙伴们快乐的玩耍...
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