[高考英文作文80字以内的传统文化带翻译]China is a unified nation consisting of many differentethnic groups. Fifty-six different ethnic groups make up the great Chinesenational family. Because the Han...+阅读
热带鱼是指位于一年内最低表层水温为20℃的等温线之间的江河、湖泊和海洋里栖息的鱼类。热带鱼种类繁多,可供家庭饲养观赏的约有500种,隶属于42科。它们有体型各异且色彩鲜艳光亮之特点。热带鱼体型一般属纺锤型,此外也有侧扁型、圆筒形等。观赏热带鱼的体型多姿多态多表现在鳍的形态变异上,有长有短,有尖形有圆形。有的鱼腹鳍移至喉下,有的口部也发生变化,上颌骨已不仅是口裂的一部分,而是通过上颌骨的移动使口部伸展,以便于摄食。无论热带鱼体形怎样变化,但身体总还是分为头、躯干和尾3部分。 Tropical fish refers to the fish habitat in the lowest in a year between the isotherms of surface temperature of 20 degrees of rivers, lakes and oceans. A wide variety of tropical fish, for raising ornamental family of about 500 species, belonging to 42 families. They have different shapes and bright colors. The general body is fusiform fish, in addition to a flat cylindrical type, etc.. The size of colorful ornamental tropical fish showed different morphological variation in fin, with pointed, round. Some fish fin to the throat, mouth have also changed, the maxilla has not only a part of the mouth, but by moving the jaw mouth to stretch, to facilitate feeding. No matter how changes but the body shape of tropical fish, the total is divided into 3 parts of head, trunk and tail.
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描写大海里的热带鱼作文姥姥家的电视旁边,摆放着大大小小三个长方形的鱼缸。穿过鱼缸会看到彩色的小石子儿、花贝壳、还有一群可爱的热带鱼,在清澈的水里自由自在的游来游去。 这些热带鱼都是经过姥...