

02月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com


、托福作文中需要避免的开头方式—废话连篇不知所云 典型失败案例: Topic 1-Should college students be allowed to get married? This topic is very interesting。 I'm very interested in talking about this topic。 Because I'm also a college student and I'm not married…… 修改方案:开门见山直奔主题 In my opinion, it would not be a wise decision to allow college students to get married。 Topic 2-Will modern technologies, such as the Internet, ever replace the book or the writing word as the sole source of information? Ok, this topic is a very good topic。

First, let me tell you a story: I have a friend; he likes go on the internet very much。 Every day, he uses internet to read news or play internet games。 So we can see the internet is more and more important in our daily life。 Topic 3-The importance of environmental protection Oh, this topic is surely very important。 Isn't it? Of course! It's really very important! 2、托福作文中需要避免的开头方式—中式英文人见人晕 典型失败案例:Topic 1-The happiest moment in your life In our life, there are always some moments which make your heart flower opened angrily…… Topic 2- The population problem The population problem is a very big problem。

For example, in the city centers of Shanghai, we can always see people mountain people sea there。 Topic3- Is there fairness in today's business world? I think in today's society, there is no fairness in the business world。 For example, I always chopped when I go out buy things…… Topic 4- The advantage of being a nice person Being a nice person have many advantage。 I believe if a people always do bad things, he will get “baoying”。 。


以船到桥头自然直为开头写一篇作文车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直 无数莘莘学子,踏上了未来的起跑线。紧张、茫然、无助、自责!!!!!!一时间,汇成一条名叫压力的河。在其中,挣扎着,抗争着,努力着,不愿放弃一丝丝希望。车到...

初三作文特别的阳光600字开头用排比生命是一张白纸,因为有了不同的对话,而呈现出五彩斑斓的图画。 ——题记 我常常站在阳台上,享受阳光带来的温暖与快乐。 阳光,公平无私的洒落在每个人的头顶上。清晨的阳光明亮...

以感动为题的作文开头借景抒情感动 感动,是一杯陈年佳酿,苦涩又不失甘甜;感动,似一把小锤,敲在我们心底最柔软的那一部分;感动,如一曲高歌,奏出了无数的感慨...... 那天,与妹妹一起去公园玩,趁着阳光好,我们在太阳下...



托福作文开头怎么写托福的独立性写作一般分为两种类型: 1.选择型:列举出两种行为、意见、观点等,要你选择认同哪一种; 2.是非型:列举一种行为、意见、观点等,问你是否认同,对此有什么看法. 开头的写...

托福作文怎么开头我给你举点例子吧。1 When asked about /when it comes to/faced with ,the vast majority of/most people say/believe/claim/think/argue that…….,but other people rega...


托福写作开头段怎么写更吸引人第一,托福独立写作开头段—开门见山式具体结构:概括背景 + 引出话题 + 一类人观点 + 另一类人观点对比 + 个人观点 1、概括背景:以概括题目的方式给出文章的写作背景 2、引出以...
