

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[四年级下册数学书练习二十答案我把题给您]②5路公共汽车行驶全长12千米,相邻两站的距离是1千米。共有几个车站? 12÷1+1=13站 3 从王村到李村共有16跟高压电线杆,相邻两根距离平均200米。王村到李村大约多远? (16-1)x200=1...+阅读

My New-term Plan

Winter holiday is going on.But the vacation is too short,my new-term will come soon. Oh,I should make a new-term Plan ,because I must get ready to welcome my spring term.In last term,my marks of the end exams are not good, since I did not study well enough. I was angry with myself. So I will learn harder and harder.I want to be a winner. Also,I will do these:

First,I will review all the subjects, especially English, maths, history and physics.

Second,I decide to listen to the English every morning.

Third,I must hand in my homework to the teachers on time.

Finally,I will ask my teachers and classmates for help more often.

My target is to get good marks.

I think I can.


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