

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[智谋解决的一件事作文600字左右]真正的智慧和勇气,不一定体现在大是大非面前,而是体现在做一件哪怕很小、但正确的事情,看你是否可以把它做到底。 福布斯就说过:做正确的事情,把事情做到底,立即做! 格林认为:创业的...+阅读


as we can see,the cities are getting bigger, and the number of citizens is getting larger.but we can also tell that more people that living in the cities are getting out of the cities recently.

when a town gets enough people, then it becomes a city.when a city gets more people, it turns into a big crowd.you see people everywhere,in the supermaket,in the subway station,even in the public washroom.dosen't that annoys you? you have to wait in a queue wherever you go. what a waste of time!

because of the big crowd, less people can get jobs. no more positions are avalible.more dads and moms laid from their work,and which of course make more families fall into a poor fianace situation.what's worse,the shit situation may push some people into crimes,which will make the public rules a mess.

children are getting into the cities with their parents, but the number of the schools in the city is limited.they cant get into the school to get education.

at last, the most important is, pollution.as long as the population is growing in one place,you see pollution everywhere.air pollution because of the more cars and buses.water pollution because of the improving way of letting the dirty water to get out.

problems are obvious if the people keep moving inside the fragile city.


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