

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Museums and historical sites are the sanctuary where we can acquire historical knowledge and cultural heritage. However, it has become less attractive to the local recently. As well as discussing the factors contributing to this trend. This essay will try to find its solutions.It is apparent that many local people assume that they are consciously aware of their cities. And they feel less fresh if they have appreciated such places ever before. In addition, many museum and sites are chargeable. As a result. The local prefer to enjoy their leisure time at home rather than in museum or historical sites.The inescapable fact is that Museums and historical sites are always the first option to many tourists. For one thing, they can pay the least spending as well as enjoy the most local knowledge and scenery. For another thing, the revenue of museums and historical sites account for the most local tourism. Governments are more pleased to attract tourists to these two places rather than to the locals. If this situation still continues in the future, there will be less local visiting to the museums and historical sites.One main solution is to enrich their diversity of activities. Museums can hold some larruping activities, such as Healthy Lecture and Civil Sporting Meeting. These activities will not only arouse the enthusiasm of citizens, but also add some color to this city. Besides, at some degree, lowing the price to draw more visits is also a feasible solution.To summarise, tourists will continuously choose museum and historical sites as their must-visits. However, it is still necessary to take some actions to maintain the local's visiting.


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