[以火为主题写一篇作文。要求:写关于火的利弊。700字]火给人们带来了方便,也带来安全隐患,人们一不小心就会酿成可怕的大火灾。但假如人们的生活中没有火,我们将面临怎样的情形呢? 火可以供人们烧饭,烧菜。假如没有火,人们饭就烧不熟,...+阅读
节食Nowadays more and more people are beginning to go on a diet. Some people are concerned with their health, and they go on a diet in order to lose unwanted weight. But still others, especially the young women, are paying too much attention to their outward appearance. They become the leading numbers who go on a diet. However, dieting might bring great negative effects on people. For one thing, quite a lot of people don't really need dieting to keep health, and they diet just because they want to keep slim. For them, dieting not only is useless but also might damage their health.For another, some people lack enough knowledge on how to diet scientifically. As a result, they are likely to suffer from malnutrition. Considering the serious damage of unhealthy dieting, we should be cautious in dieting. In my opinion, dieting,for whatever reasons, needs professional guidance. Only with right guidance can dieting work as we expect....
小长假高速免费出游利弊作文破坏环境 媒体报道了四川小长假高速路免费的消息,对广大私家车车主是个重大利好。 免征通行费节约了出行成本,会刺激外出旅游的人群,势必这个群体的人数会增加,可以拉动节假日旅...
英国投票结果决定退出欧盟盘点英国脱欧后的10大利弊有哪些6月24日号外!英国与欧盟分道扬镳 全球资本市场迎大灾难日英国脱欧公投结果出炉,离欧阵营最终获胜。主要股市、货币齐齐下挫,令全球经济面临更大的不确定性。6月23日,在公投结果...
探讨雅思大作文利弊分析之孩子应从小学就学习外语吗题目:Nowadays both scientists and tourists can go to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?...
英语作文学生从小学习外语的利弊The key (core, essential) question in this topic is at what time a child should start to learn a foreign language. Thinking carefully, I find this question is n...
网络游戏利弊的论文电脑游戏无辜的,现阶段的网络游戏对社会和个人的影响是弊大于利的。 一.对电脑游戏的一个综述和分类 任何游戏都是有规则的,也就是说所有的游戏都必须依赖于自己创造的一个氛...
网络游戏利弊我之见的作文时代在改变,在不断发展的新时代不断地涌现新的事物,对于一个从古至今经历沧海桑田都挺过来的人类,对于新的事物接受能力非常强,电子游戏就是其一。 在当今社会,多数青少年在接触...
中专生假期打工利弊调查与分析作文 2000字这是我第一次经历社会实践。对于一个大学生生而言,敢于接受挑战是一种基本的素质。虽天气严寒,寒风呼啸,我毅然踏上了社会实践的道路。想通过亲身体验社会实践让自己更进一步了...
作文素材事情的利弊 200字利弊的两面性。随着现代科技突飞猛进的发展,科技成果越来越迅速地应用于社会生活中,深刻影响着人类的生存方式。特别是进入新世纪以来,新的科学发现,新的技术突破以及重大集成创...