

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高考推荐生自荐信范文]内容主要写:获得的奖项及收获、未来的打算及期望。呵呵,祝你能够成功!要点主要有: 一、要坚持实事求是的原则,正确介绍自己。 二、要突出重点,有针对性。 三、文笔要顺畅,字迹要工...+阅读

In today's labour market, what kind of jobs do young people favor? While some mainly consider about some realistic issues such as initiative salary or working conditions, others may choose one simply because they like it.

Of course it is very justified for job seekers to be realistic when facing the severe competition in employment. College graduates have little chance to be romantic but think about the starting payment, security, working hours and future promotion opportunity. In my country, many parents encourage their children to compete for a civil servant position as it is permanent for life. Other things such as personal interest or feelings have to come second. However, many young workers complain about their job of a high level of security. They tend to suffer from tediousnessand indifference.

I personally support young people to have freedom to choose their career in the hope of enhanced job satisfaction. They should be allowed to choose what they have interest in and feel inspired to be better each day. When a worker feel satisfied with his or her job, he or she would be self-motivated and dedicated to their career. They tend to spare little effort to achieve their workinggoal which is set clear and ambitious. Even if some jobs are not permanent, those who outperform their colleagues in these workplaces can also gain high degree of security.

To conclude my argument, it is ideal to land on a job position which not only is stable but also ignites one's passion for work. However, there is nothing perfect in this world and especial in the employment sector. My suggestion is to give priority to personal inclination to a particular job when one is seeking for a job.


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