

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com


A very common question that we might ask ourselves, what our life shall be after ten years?

This is also one of the questions in writing to let students have an opportunity to think what they are going to be and the planning to be done in order to achieve their objectives or targets.

If I'm asked regarding to this question, I will definitely say that I am going to be a doctor in the coming future. Recently, there are too many life-threatening illnesses which have caused human to be vulnerable. I have seen many patients who are in critical conditions including my relatives.

Besides, I have also seen the responsibilities and the sacrifices which doctors have contributed to the society. I would like to contribute my effort in order to help more patients to walk through the darkness and give them hope so that they will be strong and healthy again. The research and development are blooming. I'm sure there will be advanced science and technology which may help human to prolong lives in the coming future. I hope that I can be a part of the science and technology researchers which are knowledgeable to make contributions to the public. This is the life I am going to have after ten years.


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