As it is vividly depicted in the picture that a bottle full of water fell to the ground .A man expressed his frustration because he saw there was only a little water left. On the contrary ,the other man thought he was so lucky that there were still some water left in the bottle. The purpose of the drawing is to tell us that in the face of any difficulties ,we should stay clam and have confidence.To begin with,with the rapid development of society ,there are bound to be times we will encounter various of problems that we can not tackle with .Once it happens ,we must try our best to overcome these seemingly insurmountable complications rather than expressing our unsatisfactions. In addition ,if we really meet something we can not deal with ,we should still possess confidence. In order to achieve futher success,we can regard failures as the preparation for next victory. From my point of view ,the way we consider problems indicates whether we can achieve our setting goalst o some extent .We should always bear in mind that possessing a good attitude is of great significance to both our society and ourselves.Only in this way can we achive what we desire.Attitude makes everything !整体构思不错,句型也很好,但最好1.2.3结构明了些,框架嘛,first of all ,last but not least ...虽老套但结合你的句子还是很好的;注意不同位置的时态要一致;注意从句。
个人观点,肯定还有不妥,仅供参考,多背真题和范文吧,Good luck !
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