[急求一篇写冬日遐想的文章。]一、好像不够1000 一条铺满落叶的道路尽情地延伸下去,路两旁是一排略显干涩的树静静的候着,似乎在诉说着内心无限的情感,又似乎是等待亲人归来的母亲在翘首等待......冬季,总带...+阅读
Olympic spirit? As we know,olympic spirit is "faster, higher and stronger."
However, in my personal opinion: Spirit of the Olympics is more important, "higher, stronger"
I think of myself as a progressive girls, I would like to pursue and complete is a moral spirit and struggle of life posture
Therefore, I understand this is "higher, stronger: Lofty Sport Moral, strong sense of team spirit and indomitable life Consciousness.
As we all know, Jones doping incident, I think that such acts should be very crucial, so as to own purpose and Violation of the principles of olympic the sacred and human spiritual civilization. Such behavior is not only on unfair the players but also Deceive the world.So Lofty Sport Moral
Plays an important part in the spirit of olympic games.
Teamwork is very crucial. Many activities are of a collective nature, and only a drop of water into the sea was not dry. Only a collective input, a display of unity and cooperation to the tremendous power .
What is the strong Life Consciousness ? In fact, it is a positive life attitude. Difficulties, a failure everywhere. As long as you do not give up their own, do not give up life. Struggle has been on. Final will certainly be able to get what you want.
That is my understanding of the Olympic spirit. In the 08 years the Special Olympics. I hope that our athletes will continue the spirit of the Olympic heritage. Carry forward.
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