
大学体验英语综合教程2 Unit5 Write about it答案

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的一次创意体验作文2篇]总是突然间就能够有了什么好的idea,下面小编为大家整理了关于我的一次创意体验作文,仅供大家参考和阅读。 我的一次创意体验作文(1) 新年即将到来,人们都争先恐后地向卖鱼小贩...+阅读

Having good education conveys not only a vast of opportunities for the future but also the responsibility of valuing it through our lifetime. No matter how financially unstable the family is, it is always important for them to gain a good education they can acquire. It is indeed because education cannot be stolen by anyone. Education from books gives us a wide source of information and can ever take us to places we have never imagined. Learning through experiences, as they say is the best teacher, for we all know that we learn through our mistakes and remember each and every lesson from it. And yet, at the end, the key to good education, is not on how expensive or exclusive this school we are in to, nor on how great looking the uniforms or things we have, not even on how high the technology we used in learning but how we value each lessons we learned and the people involve in it, our family, teachers and friends, and also with how we put our God given opportunity of education into great use that can help make a better world.




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