[关于礼貌待人作文800字]【1】 中国是一个文明礼貌的古国,礼貌是博爱的花朵,它对于我们来说十分重要。 一件小事,让我深刻的懂得了这个道理。 一天早晨,我背着书包去上学,边走边回忆,脑子里不断盘点着课堂...+阅读
when we were young,the parents and teachers toid us that it is important for us to polite for other pepole. I think I do it well. For example :At once ,I induce an old man to sit on my seat in bus.The old man 's health is so weak that they can't look after themselves well, so we must care them very much. When I call phone, whatever who answer . At first , I always (examda)say "Hello, this is...., may I speak to....." And in the end of the converse. I also say "Goodbye" .At weekend, the older people come my home ,I usually make tea for them ,give them some bread and fruit candys. They have a warm smile,and I feelvery happy. In the life have(examda) many polited things. And you can get on well with ohers if you do these well. The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. At that moment ,many foreigners will come to Beijing.I think we should do more polite. We can say "Welcome to Beijing ".And we also can give them to talk about the Old Beijing's story.I believe, they will be given a good impression by our well polite.
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关于礼貌的作文1000字礼貌 礼貌是博爱的花朵。不讲礼貌的人谈不上有博爱思想。礼貌不用花钱,却能赢得一切。礼貌和教养对于装饰人类或其他一切优良品质和天资,都是必不可少的。 礼貌使有礼貌的人喜...
讲文明懂礼貌的作文一个人的形象是一封无字的介绍信。人们通过你的语言、行为、仪表,就能判断你是一个什么样的人。 美好的一天是从一句句问候开始的。早上起床后第一件事是向爸爸妈妈问个早,这...
以礼貌为话题的作文我自己写的,网上搜不到的,不过打字有点快,语句有点不通,自己改改: 中国是礼仪之邦,我们必须开始作为一个礼仪的国家。礼仪是无处不在的,它可以表现出一个人的道德,可以增进人与人之...
关于懂礼貌的 00后的作文从小老师就教育我们要讲文明懂礼貌。文明礼貌会一直伴随着我们成长。但你们知道讲文明懂礼貌应该怎样做呢?还是让我来告诉你们吧! 首先,我们要孝敬父母。父母花了无数心血,抚育...