how make fruit salad
Do you like the fruit salad?Do you know how to make it? Let me tell you.Fist,we need an apple,a banana,an orange and some joget.we should peel the banana and the orange.Then we cut the banana ,the apple and the orange.Next, we put the banana ,the apple ,and the orange into a bowl.and we pour the jouget into it.Then we mix them all up.At last ,we can eat it.Ok, do you understand?It is very delous.
以奔跑为话题写以篇作文奔跑 生命在于运动,而运动的其中一个方式就是奔跑。 自然界中,强者的奔跑是为了吃饱,而弱者的奔跑是为了保全生命;在生活中,富翁的奔跑是为了挣更多的钱,穷人的奔跑是为了填饱肚子...
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