On Students'Selecting Lecturers
With the development of modernization and civilization, more and more freedom come to our lives, one of which is (about) selection. Recently, the phenomenon that some universities allow undergraduates (加入to) choose their (lecturers) for some specific courses has been brought to our attention .
As (students) from different backgrounds would examine from (different) (angles) on the same case, (however,) all in all, the main factors that undergraduates take (加入into) account when they select (lecturers) as follows: Foremost, the (lecturers') (titles). Obviously, doctors and mastors are (more) popular than professors. And then, the experience of (lecturers) (plays) an important role as well.
Free (selecting) of (lecturers) benefit students quiet a lot. (The) most effective one is improving the quality of study. (But as) every coin has two sides, it is no exception, for instance, some (students) (can) make (choices) (blind/blindly).
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