[高中作文走进项羽 800字我要自己创作的不要和网上一样]英雄应当不以成败论之,秦末,刘邦、项羽争霸天下,结果以项羽失败而告终,《史记》作者司马迁评价其乃“失败的英雄”,我很赞同。 项羽,楚国人,青年时,学书、学剑皆不成,换学兵法,却也“...+阅读
Nowadays,cancers are getting more and more serious.The modern medicine tells us that one of the most important causes is smoking.Based on this point,we should say smoking is dangerous to human beings,even we can say stop smoking is very necessary to reduce the rate of cancer.
On the other hand,our economy benefits a lot from tobacco.Especially our national economy isnt that developed,we need develop and export tobacco to earn much more foreign exchange .On this point,many people are against canceling tobacco.and some people offers that smoking isn't the only cause for cancer,there are also many other causes,such as emotions,food and drinks and so on and so forth,and if you smoke little,which could be good for many things in society,for example,smoking can help your business,communication,even that can help you skill leisure time,we can say the advantages of smoking are too many.
But compared with these above 2,In my opinion,to reduce smoking is completely necessary,after all health is the most important in our life.If we cannot control ourselves on this,when people are ill,how could they enjoy the wealth and properties then?So,to improve our controling about smoking and reducing smoking is absolutely necessary.of course,we needn't cancel the tobacco in this primary developing period of our country.
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