[给灾区小朋友的一封信作文]给灾区小朋友的一封信作文(1) 亲爱的小友们;你们好,最近我经常在电视上看到你们的情况,我心情一直很不好。这该死的地震,不是一般的地震,而是8。0级地震,为什么它偏偏在人们睡午觉时...+阅读
dear xxx thanks for your last letter in which you told me so much about the way you celebrate your christmas and the new year. since i received your letter,i have been planning on telling you something in return about our holidays finally here comes the opportunity. i'm on new year holiday now. here in China, we have three days of official holiday for the new year. this is the first day of the holiday. i live in the northeast region of China, it's considerably cold here in winter, and normaly around this time of every year, we would have some snow to deck the city and the nature, and also to add holiday spirit in the air. this year is not an exception. we 've had some snow in the past month. in China, compared with spring festival, the new year's day doesn't involve a lot of festivities. seems to me , for the new year's day holiday most people would just stay home relax, or have a small get-together dinner or lunch with close friends to say good bye to the old year and hello to the new year. as for me, since i have final exam around the corner, i can't relax too much. i must take advantage these three days, cramming for my exam. best wishes for the new year yours xxx
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