[给老师写一封信]给老师写一封信 (一) 敬爱的老师: 您好! 我有许多的话想跟您说,因为我胆小,不敢说。现在就借作文的机会,鼓起勇气把话如实讲出来。 在上个学期的里有一天,我在认真地做作业,因为,那天...+阅读
I'm Xin Li, Haiyan write a letter to a friend, and asked Haiyan, told him not to write a long while, but is still very much miss him, because we are good friends. A few weeks ago you go to Yan'an Tourism, and remained there for 5 days, tour the tomb, Pagoda Hill, attractions, but also climb the mountain, according to a lot of photos, picking up pebbles, played with pleasure! Tell a friend Haiyan my English teacher is great, but she was sick for two weeks by a teacher on behalf of her class Cui Cui instructors are young, but good lesson to teach, but also to participate with us in teaching the game. I'll work harder to learn, I believe that relying on the efforts will achieve outstanding results. Quick reply
给老师写一封信500字爱的老师: 你好! 感恩的心,感谢有您! 是谁似轻燕捎来春的气息?是您,满载一身清辉的您! 是谁在荆棘的荒野里开垦?是您,一直笔耕不辍的您! 是谁像柔风细柳,抚慰一颗颗懵懂的心?是您,可亲可...
给同学写一封信 300字同学: 最近你还好吗? 当我伫立在离别的车站,望着身旁这熟悉的一切,才发现,原来你这样一路助我 我的同学我的伙伴啊,我感谢你对我的陪伴。 记得那年,我离开了家,独自一人来到陌生的城...
给老师写一封信作文敬爱的x老师: 您好! 您是我心目中最敬重的好老师,您虽然十分严厉,但是您把一颗心扑在我们身上。您起早贪黑,琢磨着更好的教学方法。您就像蜡烛一样,让我感到前途无限的光明,却燃烧...
用英文作文给老师的一封信My teacher is a language teacher, I even named her medium height, slender build very, very white skin, thin face, long hair. At high straight nose, her smile on...
给妈妈写一封信作文写给父母的一封信 亲爱的爸爸妈妈: 你们好!时间流逝,一转眼,十几年过去了,连我自己也无法相信自己长这么大了!看到你们那饱经风霜的面容,我知道这是真的!是你们沥尽心血为我铺筑的路...
用英语写一篇作文给笔友的一封信Hi! How are you doing? It has been awhile since our last online chat. I have been posted to a new school since June. In order to catch up with my study, I spend...
给好友写一封信300字给好友的一封信 亲爱的周琳: 你好!展信佳!你近来好吗,好久不见!不知不觉中.我们已分开6年多了。还记得分别的那天吗?我们两人的眼眶都红红的。每当邮递员送来你的佳音时我都十分激...
给红颜写一封信200字你说、曾经把手扬沙,散尽年华。后来、韵华倾负,岁月婆娑。 你说、曾经鼓楼画市,漫街喧哗。后来、繁华落去,寂静如茶。 你说、曾经文期会友,携侣渔樵。后来、独倚栏杆,把酒黄昏。...
给医生写一封信作文350Dear Doctor Zhang, I have headache recently. It is getting worse in the evening. Sometimes I can't get sleep due to the problem. I would like to make an appoint...