

02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[数学日记200 300字五年级急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急]今天,我跟着妈妈去菜场买菜。妈妈说:“今天要考考你,会不会自己去买样你喜欢吃的菜。”妈妈给了我20元钱,要看看我的表现。“保证完成任务。”我自信地说。 于是,我边走边看,来到...+阅读


This afternoon, when I walked out of the school the weather changed suddenly. It was so dark and cloudly that I was afraid that it would be rainning soon. I tried to walk home as soon as possible, but it started to rain when I was still far away from home. A boy who saw me walk without umbrella was willing to share with me his umbrella and escorted me home. I was very moved. So I said thanks to him when I went back home.


in the feture, i want to be a teacher,because i like children and like reading, i can teach them to read.i think i will be a good teacher.i will live in shanghai, it's a beautiful city,and i will keep a pet ,dog.i think dogs are people's friends,it's friendly to people.i will live with my mother and father,i will look after them well . i hope my dream will come true one day,i will try my best to achieve my dream!


Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.我的老师


In order to improve the listening and spoken language of students, we will hold a class in academic building,221 room.The learning content is "Look Ahead",which will be spoken by Mr.Black, a America teacher.The couple will have two times to communicate with students every week. This class will begins in July 27th and end at Auguest 5th.If you want to join in us,you can sign up at the teachers' office.


观察动物作文400字急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急我姥姥的朋友家有一条小花狗,上个双休日我回姥姥家和它玩了一个下午。 它毛茸茸、胖乎乎的,像个小绒球,穿着棕白相间的“花衣服”,走路慢腾腾的,好像文静的弱女子。我喂它吃东西,...

求初中生暑假日记2篇急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急1 炎热的夏季往往是考验人毅力的时候,每个人的毅力不同,但求知的大门永远敞开。就看远处的你我愿不愿走进。走过了炎热,也就代表你走上了一个新的起点。今天我无意中看书,看到童...


笑声作文400字急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急操场上的笑声 今天是六一儿童节,是我们孩子们的节日。 六一节的早上,我早早地到了学校,学校的教室都装饰得很美丽。过了一会,张老师对我们说:“出去排队,我们到操场上玩游戏。”我...

感恩作文5篇作文急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急“感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生让我有勇气做我自己。”对啊!是老师从我们走进校园开始传授我们知识,从我们无知开始,老师就一天一天不停的教我们做人。 老师是辛勤的园丁为我们这...

国庆节的日记400字急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急 10十月一日 星期日 晴今天,爸爸妈妈带我到北京野生动物园去玩。北京野生动物园在大兴,里面可大了。我们坐在车里面,看到了狮子、老虎、美洲豹等猛兽,还看到了骆驼、梅花鹿等动物。...

作文我能行急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急“我能行!”,多么简单的三个字呀,却在我遇到困难的时候,如一盏神灯般指引着我成功的方向。也许我们有时候需要的只是这么简单——“我能行!”。 在近六年的小学生活中,我遇到过很...

观察动物作文400字急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急我姥姥的朋友家有一条小花狗,上个双休日我回姥姥家和它玩了一个下午。 它毛茸茸、胖乎乎的,像个小绒球,穿着棕白相间的“花衣服”,走路慢腾腾的,好像文静的弱女子。我喂它吃东西,...

