[理想与现实的关系高中作文 800]古往今来,人类生生世世在编织着梦想与希冀。遥望苍穹,星空闪烁着诉说着先人祈福的呢喃和虔诚的祷告;那梦想是如此真实,又如此遥远,因为那是心中不灭的追求,是浮于现实的繁华与幻想...+阅读
Good evening everyone
Now I'd like to talk about the “dream and reality”.
Commonly , everyone may have a dream .some want to find a satisfactory job. Some want to enter a key university ,some …… but all these are just dreams .what about reality ?
In modern society , job competition is so fierce .job hunters now find it hard to find a good job. The common scene is that thousands of job hunters are competing for a same position ,while other positions left vacant .we student are also facing an embarrassing situation . when we were in high schools , we held the belief that we must enter a good university. Everyone was trying his best to realize his dream . however , the results were not satisfied to everyone . some finally entered the university he wanted . some didn't.
It's not difficult to find that there's a long distance between dream and reality . then , what should we do ? For my part ,we should have a positive attitude , just as the old saying goes ” every road leads to Rome ” besides , we should try our best to do everything well , whatever positions we are in . In addition ,if we fail sometimes ,we shall never give up .”Failure is the mother of success ” is the best explanation to this .
Now .everybody ,let's try together to make dream into reality!
That's all . Thank you for listening!
梦想与现实(Dream and Reality)
Sometimes it seems that what is practical and sensible does not connect with your most treasured dreams.Yet when you look deeply enough,the connection is most certainly there.
For if you could not dream,what would be the point of tending to the practical things?And if you did not tend to those practical concerns,how could you ever hope to attain your dreams?
Stop fretting about how the things you must do are interfering with the things you want to do.Instead,discover and appreciate and strengthen the connection between the two.
Make your dreams a part of your reality.And make your reality a part of your dreams.There is no reason why your dreams must oppose your reality.Improve your dreams and your reality by bringing them together.
Put the power of passion into the day-to-day,sensible and practical things,and put the power of reality into your dreams.You'll find it to be a winning combination indeed.
Dreams and RealityWhen we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality....
Sometimes it seems that what is practical and sensible does not connect with your most treasured dreams.Yet when you look deeply enough,the connection is most certainly there.For if you could not dream,what would be the point of tending to the practical things?And if you did not tend to those practical concerns,how could you ever hope to attain your dreams?Stop fretting about how the things you must do are interfering with the things you want to do.Instead,discover and appreciate and strengthen the connection between the two.Make your dreams a part of your reality.And make your reality a part of your dreams.There is no reason why your dreams must oppose your reality.Improve your dreams and your reality by bringing them together.Put the power of passion into the day-to-day,sensible and practical things,and put the power of reality into your dreams.You'll find it to be a winning combination indeed.
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