
我马上需要一篇关于 importance of culture in business的作文

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我需要一篇关于人生的起跑线作文]立下一个美丽的夙愿,能为你成功增添一份勇气和动力,能为你的前行寻找到正确的方向,能为你布下一个合理的棋局。 没有目标,生活必定茫然无向,举无所措。如何捱过每一天的生活,还在...+阅读

我马上需要一篇关于 importance of culture in business的作文

In the information age, no country and individual can resist the influence of globalization, and culture, a mirror that reflects the history and development of a nation, is also certain to be deeply affected by the trend of globalization. In the process of cross-cultural communication, Chinese culture is experiencing some changes as well. Some people argue that Chinese culture, as the essence of world's cultural heritage, shouldn't be much influenced. However, in my view, it is necessary, to some extent, to make some changes based on the following reasons: In the first place, while keeping its traditional style, Chinese culture has to draw on the strong points of the cultures of other nations in order to be more world-oriented. In the second place, advanced elements in today's infomation age ought to be absorbed into Chinese culture as well so that both the past precious cultural heritage and the latest developments in modern society can be presented to the outside world. To sum up, the future trend of Chinese culture is towards the international direction. Only by welcoming all human excellent civilizations across the world can Chinese culture achieve greater progress and have a brighter prospect.

succed in college作文

Plan your university life at the end of September college entrance examination, and freshman at University campus. Now,putting a few thoughts and mentees to share.How to succeed in college.

1, make more friends. The dormitory, and my roommates become integrated with, can say the roommate is most important in your university friends, and they live up to. In the class, to maintain a good relationship with my classmates, utilitarian sense, help a schoolmate at college on your career in the future. Also can be in the school to pay more friends, are these people your university life will be more interesting.

2, learning. My point is, don't learn to see too much, pay attention to learn some interesting things. The school will never catch up with the society, teaching materials are used in the old, work not, why not now recruitment companies are people with work experience. And you learn that you will not do.

3, English and computer. Remember to learn this two door. No matter what you do have to use, such as PubMed, the civil service exam and so on; usually play computer games don't play the game to learn computer knowledge.

4, the cost of living. Don't spend, save unnecessary expenses, accumulating some. Daily examination and so on, or to some scenic spots to play, long to see.

5, love. A love no ground for blame in university. One thing to keep in mind, there is love don't ignore your friend. Some of the students has had a girlfriend, girlfriend every day and tired in the one side, the results and the friends of light. The first reference. Only love without friendship you will lose a lot of.








吻痕掌印,莫唯分数论 给我一个吻,只因考百分;给我一掌印,只因差几分。漫画对当下教育评价唯分数论给予极大的讽刺。考得好,家长、学生喜笑颜开,“吻痕”如花,在脸上绽开芳华;考得不好,学生、家长愁眉苦脸,“掌印”如火,在心头煎熬焦灼。 考得好受到奖赏本来无可厚非,毕竟可以激发学生的学习热情;考得不好受到惩罚也无须指责,因为没有惩罚的教育是不完整的。关键是我们不能唯分数论,不能分分计较,不能少考两分,就暴跳如雷,如丧考妣。其实人的成长,是以完整人格培养作为终极目标的。知识的学习不是一个人的全部。若将分数作为评价人好歹的唯一标准,那么其后果是不堪的。 首先“唯分数论”造成学生创新能力不足。有好事者对近三十年的高考状元做了一个统计,竟没有一个在行业上成为领军人物。

当然不能认为都是高分低能者,但长期以分数论成败的教育,严重阻碍了学生的动手能力与创新能力的提高与发展。如被称为神童的魏永康,考分一路领先,十三岁以高分进大学,十七岁又考入中科院高能物理研究所硕博连读。可谓一路辉煌一路歌。可就是这样的“分数学霸”,又被“分数”所伤。唯“分”是图的后果是,生活能力极差,社交能力不足,人格缺陷明显,竟遭校方退学。残酷的现实不能不让我们警醒,“分分分,并非学生的命根”。 其次“唯分数论”造成学生个性发展失衡。长期片面的以分数评价学生,就像一个人刻意锻炼身体的某一个肢体,这一肢体健硕无比,可其余的孱弱萎缩,极不协调。这就出现了智长德短,知识学习是富翁,品行修炼是乞丐。这样的例子太多太多,如前不久被处极刑的复旦大学研究生林森浩,学业水平不可谓不高,但投毒杀害自己的同学,害人害己,让多少人嗟声长叹。

可能有人要说,这些只不过是个例。是的,一件揪心事件地发生,是多种因素所致,但一个人从小接受的是以分数论英雄的评价,从学校到家庭,从个体到群体,唯“分”是从,自然忽视或淡化了其品行的矫正与培养。“分”数的晕轮效应,让学习优者自小占尽先机,人们怎能不对“考分”趋之若鹜呢?这与当下追求GDP是一个道理,当一切以GDP为重要政绩时,就自然出现了“求富不仁”,环保弱化的现象。 总之,我们需要一定的奖惩制度,但更需要的是多元性评价,尤其是教育,尤其是对人的评价更应多元而科学。吻痕可以有,掌印也能行,但千万不能唯分数论。...


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