

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请你在试一次]周围的人 用尽吃奶的劲 都没有拧开,一颗生了锈的螺丝。轮到手里,没用多少力气就拧开了这是为什么?道理很简单,之前的每个人都用了很多力气松动了螺丝,但就差拧开的那么一点点力量...+阅读


Today I picked up a student ID card at school, it shows he is xx. I know he must be very worried, so hope to spread the message, hope the careless friend to come to claim , please contact. Hope I do remember careful cough up。Through this thing I realized: do things must carefully, lest cause needless loss.


My hometown is much more beutiful than the past. There are much more trees and flowers along the road. The road is cleaner and wider now. There are more population now. The buildings are higher and higher but we used to live in the houses. There are more and bigger shops and supermarket so it is getting more and more convinient to buy anything around. There is a bigger cinema now but we had to go far away to see movies in the past. How things have changed and we had a better life now.

breakfast is important作文

Breakfast Is Important Breakfast is important. But not all the students have realized its important. Here's the result of our survey. About 55 percent of the students have breakfast regularly every day. They keep healthy and look active. 25 percent of them just have junk food instead. They don't have a balanced diet. It is bad for their health.20 percent of the students go to school without breakfast. As a result, these students often fell hungry in class and can't listen to teachers carefully. What's worse, they get ill easily. It's necessary for us to have breakfast and we should also have the right kinds 迹俯管谎攮荷归捅害拉of food for breakfast.

There was a typhoon yesterday作文

Yesterady I met a typhoon. It really was a frightening typhoon. The evening was so dark. I still can't forget it. It was a rainy day. Although it was early, the sky was very dark. I was walking in the street with my mother. We were going home. The wind blew more and more strongly. We felt the difference. We started to run fast in order to go home in no time. But the wind was still faster than feet. Suddenly, lots of litter was blown away. The typhoon blew up. We couldn't hold the umbrella. It was raining heavily and we were all wet. Cold and fright went through our bodies. The big trees began to shake. Leaves fell down. We couldn't breathe. The wind blew in our face. It was so sharp. I was afraid I would be blown away, too. I held my mother tightly. We tried our best to run. But we couldn't.I was excited because we were near our home. A few minutes later, we arrived home. "I am still alive," I said to myself happily. I saw the big typhoon through the window. "How strong the typhoon is! I want to be strong, too."



你写一篇观察日记观察日记(范文) 今天我发现了一个蚂蚁洞,它就在爷爷奶奶家旁边的墙角下. 我抓住了一只蚂蚁,它是由三个小“芝麻”组成的。头和肚子是黑色的,像两粒圆鼓鼓的芝麻,中间是黄褐色的,像...




以多想告诉你写一篇初中水平的600字作文一直都想告诉你,可是一直开不了口,因为你是长辈,作为晚辈的我什么都不好去说。对于你的言行,我没有权利去评论或者是去斥责,我只是想告诉你,有人在你的背后伤心。 这件事要从大约...

你的朋友李林捡到了你的钱包请你写一封英语作文感谢信给她Hello Li Lin, It's very grateful to you for returning my wallet you found in the Library. You have saved my live as there are not only some cash in it but also...

请你写一篇颂扬母亲的文章题目自拟不少于600字颂扬母亲,作文如下: 爱之花开放的地方,生命便能欣欣向荣.有人说:"母爱是闪耀着生命之光的一株灵芝草,让痛苦顿失消融";有人说:"母爱是一阵清风,吹走了我心中的阴影";有人说:"母爱是一本闪烁...

随着社会的进步和人民生活水平的提高垃圾问题越来越严重请你写一It's no doubt that university campuses will produce a large amount of rubbish everyday, however, there are fewer college students paying attention to its classi...
