

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com








On the English class is a personal knowledge and the basic skills of the show. J u it in any foreign language teaching are essential, occupies a very important position; its practical value is high, if the proper teaching methods, can arouse the students on language learning interest. English writing is so. College English writing teaching should focus on ways and means, as far as possible to listen, speak, read, speak (to explain the culture) and so on through them, cultivate students' English thinking mode and thinking habits. College Students' English writing in practice stage, it is inevitable that there are some mistakes and summed up mainly in the following aspects: the first is the errors in the syntactic word, word, phrase and sentence; followed by the composition of Chinglish; thirdly, discourse cohesion level errors. Therefore, the cultivation of students writing ability should not be too hasty, but should be gradual, to prevent the mother tongue negative transfer and mode of thinking of the negative transfer. Writing is one of the basic skills of language learning, and it is bound to be restricted by thinking. It can be said that thinking mode determines the writing mode. Therefore, before entering the formal writing, the teacher should let the students understand our mother tongue, namely Chinese heavy meaning, and the target language, that is, the English language. English Chinese background, the whole structure forms a ring shape or said a spiral type. That is to say, the author does not directly enter into the subject, also directly put forward related to the theme argument, but in the theme around around, get a conclusion, and then repeatedly proved this conclusion. The native English composition, the structure of the text is linear, that is, the theme of the first, and then provide the argument, and finally come to the conclusion. First, the teacher can find two articles on the same subject native English and native language for the English writing of Chinese students, make them clearly to understand the difference between different thinking mode under the control of composition, allowing them to understand English phrasing sentence, discourse structure and other characteristics. Next, want to let the students realize the outstanding composition should have what characteristics and the evaluation standard of an article. At this stage, the teacher can find two or three students to write about the same topic on the same topic for students to evaluate. Students can be divided into a number of groups, in order to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the composition of the group, in particular, to make a positive evaluation of the article. Teachers should play a guiding role, you can design a number of questions for students to answer, such as the content of the article, the language, the context of cohesion, grammar, etc.. Then the members of each group exchanges, the article comments. After the discussion, a representative of each group will be stated in this group of ideas. Finally, the teacher and the class together to analyze all the points listed in each group, summed up a good article should have the quality and evaluation criteria. In this way, not only the completion of the mission objectives, listing the excellent characteristics and the evaluation criteria, and during the group discussion with the class discussion in an interactive exchange, training students' ability of listening and speaking and thinking ability, this vast contrast teacher direct explanation, direct inculcation of the effect is much better. This process is not essential, it is on the back of the composition plays a key role. Formal writing, the teacher can be divided into groups, groups to write. Should pay attention to the outstanding students and students temporarily backward collocation group. This will not only help students to improve the basic skills of English, but also to stimulate the positive competition between the group and the group, so that they strive to show the best work. Next, the teacher gives students a topic, clear writing purpose and writing object, through a variety of ways to inspire students, help them to open the train of thought. For example, can be discussed in the quiz or group activities, to provide students with an opportunity to communicate with each other in english. For certain topics, the teacher can prepare some listening materials or reading materials in advance, let the students have a clear understanding of the topics set by listening or reading. H, the teacher should try to listen, speak, read and write through the integration in the writing class. Records from the point of view of at the same time, the teacher should let ...


我经常观摩一些特级教师课堂,了解到一些知名教师的教学方法、技巧和经验,有了一些粗浅的认识,得出一点见解,说出来与你交流,不对之处,还请批评指正,提出宝贵意见。 第

一、训练学生的读写能力 李卫东老师说,新课标第一次给语文下了一个完整的定义:语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性和实践性的学科。还原语文课堂的本真就离不开读和写。73岁的特级教师于永正说:“学习语文主要要突出读写能力。” 读,指读好课本,读课外书。 我在听课时,也发现很多名师在“读”上下了很大功夫,如张祖庆教授讲的六年级课文《穷人》,整节课40分钟,近30分钟都是让学生读,个别读,齐读。教师随机点拨,他主张只讲学生不会的东西。名师们都强调要有感情的朗读,文中出现几个主人公,读的时候就要读谁像谁。 写,指写好文字,写好文章。 学汉语,不会写汉字不行,不会写文章也不行,再好的才华,如果不能用文字表现出来,就不能被理解、被认可。于永正老师强调:“以学顶教,顺学而导。”教学要手把手、实打实,教小孩子一定要细心、再细心,达到教过了、教对了、教会了的效果。让小孩子明白一个字该怎么写、怎样才能写好;一件事情或者一段感情,怎样才能用文字表达出来、抒写出来,让人看得明白、得到感染。 第

二、提高学生理解、背诵能力 背,主要指背诵古诗词、背诵名家名篇。河南的窦明琦教授说,他的学生三年级背70首古诗词,四年级背《论语》《大学》《中庸》《道德经》中的部分名篇。五年级便开始自己写作品,不光学生自己写,老师也要写,好的作品还可以发表,极大地激发学生的学习兴趣。窦教授还说:“不做好充分准备,别轻易进教室”、“一定要边教边学,边学边教”、“让学生背诵之前,老师要先背诵。只要学生对你佩服,就会对你言听计从。”我觉得这几句话很有道理,对我们有很高的指导价值。特级教师武凤霞老师也说过类似的话,“老师应与学生一起背诵,因为榜样的力量是巨大的。” 第

三、锻炼学生说出来 说,指把人的思想用语言表达出来,说话一定要完整、有条理,语言简练、意思明了。善于说出来,有利于我们提高语言的组织能力,更好地表达我们的思想,对写作水平的提高非常有帮助。如回答问题时,有问必有答、有因必有果。“因为”出来了,没有结果,就像人悬在空中,上不着天下不着地一样难受。甚至有些问题强调了的字眼,你回答的时候也得加上,否则,总让人感觉不完整、不实在。 第

四、课件制作 课件制作要简洁、精炼,用图表、数字精确表达观点,图文并茂,视觉效果突出。课件内容不要过长,插图不要过于繁多、过于花哨,以免分散学生的注意力。一些感情丰富、寓意饱满的课文,制作课件时一定要搭配相应的背景图案和相关音乐,从而烘托氛围,加深学生对课文的理解。 第

五、培养学生的自学能力 一定要让学生养成课前预习的好习惯,身边带一本字典,遇到不懂的字词要及时查找弄明白。蒋老师说他们班的学生工具书不少,有的还备有《辞源》,而我们的学生,有的小学毕业了,也没用过一本字典,这是不能忽视的。所以,一定要培养学生勤查字典、勤做笔记的好习惯。提倡学生坚持写日记,看了的、学了的,及时写随笔。就算不能天天坚持,也要一周写两三篇日记或随笔,日积月累,效果非常明显。 第

六、正确评价学生 好就是好、不好就是不好,对学生一定要观点明确,评判要准确、公正。学生表现好、做得优秀,就要适时给予表扬和鼓励,让他们明确什么样的做法才是对的、值得肯定的。现代教学,要求对学生多鼓励少批评,因为鼓励的动力要比批评大得多。但表扬也不能盲目,更不能一味表扬而使批评缺失,否则,学生将失去方向,喜好表扬而懊恼批评,不利于学生改正错误,更好地成长、更好地进步。鼓励和批评都要及时,并语言得当,有针对性,就事论事,摆明观点。 第

七、带着激情讲课 当一个教师激情饱满的走进课堂时,学生也会被感染,情绪高涨、学习热情大增,课堂气氛活跃,学习效果就会显著提高了。激情也代表了自信,一个自信的老师一定会教出一批有自信的学生。反之,教师情绪低落,讲课没有激情,学生就会听着乏味,不能产生共鸣,就会开小差,不注意听讲,效果当然就不会好了。 第

八、语文授课要简单、平实、扎实 聆听了几位名师的课,正可谓是“清水出芙蓉,天然出雕饰。”尤其是李卫东老师的《狼牙山五壮士》,环节设计非常简单,李老师一开始便从课题入手引导,该环节设计起到了简洁、扎实地铺垫作用。再让学生带着问题正确、流利地朗读课文,在轻松自然的教学环境中,扎实有效地训练语言,同时培养学生语文思维能力和品质。教学内容平实、质朴,简约而扎实。这正和李老师“着眼整体发展,着力语言训练,着重内化进程”的教学思想相吻合,突出了“教得轻松,学得扎实”的教学风格。 教师是一堂课的组织者,要改变学生的学习状态,必须把学生看作学习的主体,教学的一切活动都必须以调动学生的主体性、积极性为圆心,以引导学生主动探索、积极思维为半径“画”好一节课。这就要求教师不再是纯...


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