

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文快乐暑假60字暑假的英语作文50字]英语作文快乐暑假60字是写对于个人事件的作文,暑假的英语作文50字要描述生动,得到老师的好评,以下是由毕业生范文网小编提供快乐的暑假作文50字_暑假作文阅读。 英语作文快乐暑...+阅读


In the afternoon, the 8th of this month, I lost my school bag on the sports ground. Inside the bag are my bike key, dictionary and other stuff. Please kindly return to me at Class Room 4202, if you find it. I really appreciate very much.


I cannot make it with 150-200 words, unless you add the content so I can fix for you!

Good luck!


lost and found

When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate. I was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up. And I stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. Therefore, I took it to my dormitory. The dictionary is brand new. It has a note in the middle of the book where I saw a poem----Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again written in Chinese on the paper.


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