[描写可爱熊猫作文]大熊猫在这个地球上生存了至少800万年,可是在现在却不足1600只。我们要保护好大熊猫。下面是关于描写可爱熊猫作文,欢迎欣赏!更多精彩内容尽在作文频道。 作文一:可爱的熊猫 大...+阅读
功夫熊猫观后感 600字以内
今天我观看了《功夫熊猫》。这部电影的主人快乐阅读网公是一只普普通通的熊猫。主要演义着这只熊猫通过自己的信心,浣熊师傅的信任,勤劳、刻苦的练习功夫,遇到困难不轻易放弃,最终练出一身好功夫打败了太郎。影片赞扬了这只熊猫相信自我,不轻易放弃,勤劳刻苦的奋斗精神。 在这部影片中给我印象最深的画面还是浣熊师傅在厨房发现熊猫只要有了食物,就会实现它原本不可能实现的事。浣熊师傅就利用食物了引导它学功夫。这一画面,给我的印象特别深。我深深的体会到浣熊师傅的用心良苦。师傅它以引食学功夫的方法来刺激熊猫学功夫的兴趣,熊猫也知道这是激起它学功夫的兴趣,但它没有放弃,而是更加勤奋和刻苦的坚持学下去。熊猫的这种不屈不挠的奋斗精神永远留在我的心中。
同时我也从熊猫这种精神中想到自己的亲身经历的一件事。 那是一年寒假,妈妈认为我写日记方面很欠缺,便让我每天写一篇日记。我听后十分不情愿,每次三言两语就没了下文,最后彻底放弃了写日记,现在想起来都有些惭愧,与功夫熊猫中的主人公不能相比。如果我能这样坚持下去的话,那么现在我的作文肯定更加有长进啊!功夫熊猫能做到的事,我为什么就不能做到呢?从此我做什么事情都要坚持到底,不能半途而废了。 通过观看功夫熊猫,我明白了这些道理,世上没有不可能的事,凡事都要相信自己,遇到困难不要轻易放弃机会,在以后的学习上,时时牢记功夫熊猫这部电影,以影片中的主人公为榜样,认认真真的走好每一步,争取成为一名对社会有用的人。
From the very beginning, Kung Fu Panda had me practically falling out of my seat --- laughing. It was the perfect blend of comedy, heart, and action, all necessary elements in a successful and great animation film.I took my friend and niece to see it on a Friday night and they enjoyed it, too! We were totally laughing, smiling, and guffawing at Po. This was certainly a flawed character, one that a lot of people can relate to because he dreams, he's funny, and he can laugh at himself. Also, the story was pretty clear and easy to follow because the storytelling was well crafted, and the animation was paired well with characters brought vividly to life by some of the most famous names in Hollywood.
Dreamworks hits a HOME RUN with this one! From the very beginning, Kung Fu Panda had me practically falling out of my seat --- laughing. It was the perfect blend of comedy, heart, and action, all necessary elements in a successful and great animation/CGI film, in the tradition of The Incredibles and (less action, but containing the heart and laughter) Ratatouille, Finding Nemo and Monsters, Inc. I took my wife and nephew and niece to see it on a Friday night and they enjoyed it, too! We were totally laughing, smiling, and guffawing at Po, the main protagonist (voiced by Jack Black) and his misadventures at becoming a Kung Fu expert. This was certainly a flawed character, one that a lot of people can relate to because he dreams, he's funny, and he can laugh at himself. Also, the story was pretty clear and easy to follow because the storytelling was well crafted, and the animation was paired well with characters brought vividly to life by some of the most famous names in Hollywood. Jack Black and Dustin Hoffman are downright excellent as the main characters, and Ian McShane as the bad dude gave it the right fearful presence. Other big name stars don't shine as much, but that's because their roles are rather limited in the film. But that's still okay because the animators should be given equal credit (if not more) for delivering the funny, action and heart elements of this movie in an effective, amazing and (I've got to use this) AWESOME manner. Visually, this movie is stunning (notice all those scenic shots of the Chinese mountains, bodies of water, and the bridge scene; not to mention the action animation version of "The Matrix" with slow-mo)... simply a delight to watch. It's clear that Dreamworks has gotten back in the animation game with Kung Fu Panda, after slight ho-hums in Shrek 3 and Bee Movie (call me crazy, but I liked Over The Hedge more than those two). Hopefully, it should earn well over $500M worldwide because it is so good. This movie rightfully belongs in the top animation movies of all time (okay, let's not include the classic fairy tales of old; let's begin with the 90's onwards), alongside my faves "The Incredibles" "Finding Nemo" and "Beauty & The Beast." Has the makings of being a classic. My wife and I enjoyed it so much that we saw it again the night after. And maybe another time... haha! Enjoy!
熊猫外形作文熊猫是我国的国宝,它们那呆呆萌萌的样子特别惹人喜欢。下面是关于熊猫外形作文,欢迎欣赏!更多精彩内容尽在作文频道。 篇一:大熊猫 熊猫是世界上最珍贵的动物之一。熊猫的家主...
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