

03月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以我喜欢我自己为主题写一篇作文 6年级水平400字急急急急]我这里有两篇,你选一下哦。。。。希望对你有帮助 我喜欢我自己 我喜欢那绿草如茵的草坪,我喜欢那自由美丽的大海,我喜欢那古老神奇的森林,也喜欢那温暖可爱的家,但我更喜欢我自己...+阅读


y store, I will put something I like in the case of my store, for example, some books, some toys, some collection or other nice things. I like all these things, and I like to share them with my customers who enjoy them just like me. When I am free, I can read a book, listen to a CD or surf the Internet in my store. How r


My company is that one special field concentrates efforts on various entrance , the domestic automobile and motorcycle radiator exploitation, design and produce enterprise. The product already amounts to more than 400 breed , apply to Honda , Toyota , modern , get Asia , produce per day, Mitsubishi , Mazda , Suzuki wait for a bus the type, also may be that customer orientation develops. The company is located in Hebei Province Cang Zhou City perhaps helping an industrial park, east face 104 the national roads and Beijing-Shanghai railways, traffic facilitates 100 kilometres, very much from Tianjin Newport. Own the most advanced in the homeland drill rod solder stove , make simultaneous machine , pressure packing machine , assembling machine and day air seal trunk trying measuring leave out the instrument , the vibratility experiment platform , annual 200,000 efficiency. My company observes ISO9001: 2000 internationals quality level strictly, with perfect enterprise management system, entire camp of high-effect sells a network and serves system, be trusted very much by extensive consumer. We obey "special field , high grade , open up , believe really" to produce management principle, the famous brand making great efforts to make enterprise is a strategic objective, for the old and new customer provide high-quality goods and first class service.


We have to consider the interests of the company, it is necessary to consider the interests of the country, we should also consider the interests of humanity. What is the moral the commanding heights of the interests of a company as opposed to moral, commanding height, but the interests of a country is not the commanding height of morality. The interests of mankind as a whole, the interests of future generations this is the commanding heights of the moral, green indicates that China's establishment of a number of companies are on the moral of the commanding heights of human


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