
写一篇 MyDreamHouse的英文作文

03月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇我的作文200个字左右急写一篇我的作文]信的我 我,一个自信的女孩,在成长的海洋中,我享受成功的快乐与失败的痛苦,他们总是时不时,陆续地敲着我的门,在它们的伴随下成就了一个自信的我,接受着风雨的洗礼。 紧张忙碌的期中...+阅读

写一篇 MyDreamHouse的英文作文

My dream house would be a two storey building, inside would be pure white. On the first floor would be a kitchen with all the suppplies needed for daily life. The floor would be hardwood, and makes the room look very unique. But the biggest spot would be the living room, which would take up almost 2/3 of the mian floor. It would have a set of white sofa and a glass coffee table. There would be a big window that would cover more than half of a wall and we could walk outside to the yard.

The back yard would have a swimming pool on the left. The right side would be a small garden that you can grow stuff in, either its flowers or vegetables. If you stand in the middle of the yard and stare up, you would see the big window on the second floor.

The second floor would have four rooms. A big room, a medium room, a small room, and a family room. In the family room there would be a computer and a TV set. There would be a little patch of staircase that led to the other rooms. If you walk up, the first thing you saw would be the main bedroom. It would have a huge bed, with stuffy matresses all around. Linked would be a washroom with a tub. On the left would be the guest's room and on the right it would be an office, with the window that can see very far.

Of course there would be bathrooms upstairs and downstairs, and I would put a lot of plants around in the house. I would also put some portriats of my family around in the family room and living room, and that, would be my dream house.


以 my dream house为题的英语作文快啊 !


My dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. There are two yards in the villa. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. There is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming. On the first floor, there is a big hall when you enter the gate. On the right of the hall is a sitting room, there we can relax, have a rest, watch TV and enjoy entertainments. On the left there is a computer room and a study belonging to me. On the second floor, there are six bedrooms with bathrooms. The villa will be equipped with the modern equipment, such as security alarms controlled by computers, vision phones, lifts an automatic doors. Well, that is my dream house.

以 My Dream House为题写一篇英语作文要求300词左右水平为

My dream house

Fed up with living in the original apartment, I dreamed up a house that likes a castle in the fairytale.

The castle has white sign with the decorations of pink flowers. There are many trees and growing grass without a fence so that everybody can enjoy them when they walk pass my house. In the castle, there are three floors. On the first floor, there is a large stairs with a red rug on it.

That looks much too wonderful. My room is on the second floor. There is filled with the sunshine and fresh air. The third floor is a place for entertainment when my friends come to my party held during the holiday. As I don't want a swimming pool in my castle, I am so afraid of swimming. Also I really hate the cellar that makes me stressful. The dog is my favorite, so the castle I dream up has to have enough room to let the dogs play together.

That's my dream house. What an amazing thing I think!


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