[小学生写作文的技巧和方法思维导图]一、作文要学会积累 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“巧妇难为无米之炊”古人这些总结,从正反两方面说明了“积累”在写作中的重要性。“平时靠积累,考场凭发挥”,这是考场学子的共...+阅读
To be an innovative university student
Everyone wants to perform well in their University. But sometimes, it is not enough to just invest effort into your studies; the method of your study is vitally important. It is essential to have originality and innovative ideas while you are in University. Spoon feeding of knowledge does not happen here, you need to come up with your own ideas in order to survive these four years. The new thing is not to learn, but to learn how to learn. Anyone can pick off blocks of information off the internet, even primary school kids can use Google to write an advanced essay (if they really want to); but you would be unique if you came up with your own ideas. In conclusion, it is extremely important to innovate as a University student as it distinguishes you from your peers and is the key to success in the modern age.
英语创新写作 My neighbor next door
Every one will encounter some disturbing things and I am not excepted. My neighbor next door enjoys listening music very much and usually listens until midnight even with a frightening high sound during nights. The loud music irritate my feeling and I could calm down and concentrate on my study. Often ,I is disruptted by the high sound. Due the harassing sound, I could not sleep well at night . I am so angry at what they did .so I went to refer to him . they feel so sorry and apologise to me.
Recently, self-employment has become a popular idea among youngsters, college graduates in particular. Owing to favorable policies, a large number of graduates launch their own business as the starting line of career. Furthermore, some successful examples have already been reported in the newspapers and Internet.
我要做一个什么的作文怎么写我想要成为一名校长,为我的孩子们做一些事情…… 我要是校长,我上任的头一件事就是改改咱们学校的校服。我要重新为我的学生们量身订做一款更能体现出学生们青春朝气、精神面...
做一个有修养的人作文做一个有修养的人作文做一个有修养的人: 修养是一个人品德素质的反映,它往往体现在人们的言行举止中。 一个有修养的人,在日常生活中的谈吐是健康、干净的,他们的言词中找不到歧视和憎恨,有的只是友好...
以克服困难为话题的作文给我一个符合高一学生思维的事情我,一个初中的女孩。我曾经努力地学习过,曾经为考试成绩不好而哭过,曾经为写不完作业而抱怨过,曾经…… 如今,我上初中了,我以为课会容易些,不是的,不但不容易,还增加了科学、历社这...
作文我想做一个优秀的学生署假已经过去了,又迎来了一个新的学期,在这个新的学期里我一定要做一名好学生。 我想很多同学都喜欢看电视,经常喜欢看一些武侠片常常沉浸在武侠人物里面,幻想自己的武功很高,玩...
创新思维作文400到500字范文创新 创新是世界进步的动力。有了创新精神,那么就有了前进的希望。小鸟飞行需要翅膀,世界要进步需要创新,创新就是进步的翅膀。 从前有一种病,只要人得了这种病,便无药可治,只能慢...
以做一个平凡的人为题目写作文 800字平凡的人 平凡的沙子中蕴含着宝贵的黄金,平凡的泥土里培养出鲜活的生命。平凡的事业后矗立着壮丽的人生。我们不必去羡慕明星的集万宠与一身;不必去渴望政治家的纵横捭阖;不必...