

03月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[月球说明文200字左右]月球,大家都很熟悉,因为每天晚上大家都可以看到它。 有关月球的传说有很多很多,其中最著名的要数“嫦娥奔月”了!“嫦娥奔月”的故事是这样的: 相传,远古时候天上有十日同时出现,晒...+阅读


hello every one, my name is .... i am from hangzhou, the capital city of zhejiang. there are various magnificent sightseeings which are very famous in china. as for my habits, there are a lot, including sports, reading, waching movies as well as traveling,especially the reading which helps me to refresh my mind when i am under the great pressure.(我觉得你可以调一个细说比较好.我弄了个例子就是书). i am also appreciate that i have the brilliant opportunity to be with u guys, studing and living. english is one of my favorite. i hope that i can improve my english during the university and i can speak it fluently later on. i think that is all of my introduction. thank u every body, wish we have great time.


My name is.... i will graduate this summer from the department of ,majoring in . all along these four years in univesity,I have been trying my best to duowell in everything,because i am so enthusiastic about .....that Itake it as my long-life pursuit. Generally speaking,I am motivated,active ,and hard working .When I was sophomore I did many works for the student union of our department .And now Iam the monitor of my class .Ilearn a lot in my four years' study .I have already passed CET-6 and NCRE-3 and got the national authentication in the craft of numerical control.When I was junior ,I join in the competition of ......After there months ' effort with my teammates I fortunately won the fiest place .So i am ambitious and still work hard in everything . That's all.Thanks.


大家好,非常高兴来到这里跟大家共同学习。我叫***,我来自***. 那是一个美丽的地方,欢迎大家有时间的时候到我家乡来玩。我喜欢读书、听音乐,我还喜欢打乒乓球和游泳。 接下来的四年里,我们将共同学习,分享快乐,分担痛苦。我们都在一个充满爱和激情的大家庭里。我希望同大家成为好朋友,我相信我们一定会成为好朋友。谢谢大家! Hello everyone, it is my honor to be here to study together with all of you. My name is ***, and I come from ***. It is a beautiful place, welcome to my hometown when you have time. I like reading and listening to the music. I also like playing Ping-pong and swimming. In the following four years, we will stay together and share every single piece of happiniss and sadness. We are in the big family, with love and passion. I wish to make friends with all of you. And I believe that we will become good friends. Thank you!


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