[义务教育教科书英语七年级下册单词]2012版义务教育教科书英语(Go for it!)七年级下册单词表 Unit 1 Can you play theguitar? guitar [ɡɪ'tɑ:(r)] n. 吉他 sing [sɪŋ] v. 唱;唱歌 swim [swɪm] v. & n. 游泳 dan...+阅读
1,love the job,with an open mind tolearn,continuous efforts,progress.
2、以良好的仪表、仪容,饱满的精神面貌向客人提供“微笑、礼貌、热情、主动、准确、快速、安全”的优质服务。 2,with a goodinstrument,appearance,full of spiritto provide"smile,courtesy,enthusiasm,initiative,accurate,fast,safe" qualityservice to guests.
3、不断增强自身的服务意识,提高自己的服务技能。 3,enhance theirservice awareness,improve their serviceskills.
4、以工作为重,无条件服从管理人员的指挥和工作分配,不得以任何借口加以推辞,做到无服从后申诉。 4,in order to re work,commandand assignmentunconditional obediencemanagementpersonnel,shall not use any excuseto refuse,donotobeythe appeal after.
5、负责区域环境卫生清扫及桌椅摆放,做到“地面无杂物,桌椅无积灰,房间无异味,墙面无痕迹,场所无卫生死角”。 5,responsible forregional environmentalcleaningandthe tables and chairs,do"no debrisground,tables and chairs,no fouling,room no smell,no traces ofthe wall,placesno sanitation dead".
6、负责上岗前的物品准备工作及下岗后的物品保管工作。 6,responsible for theprepreparation workandarticleslaid off after thecustodialwork.
7、熟悉公司各种出品物的品名、价格、口味,熟练地掌握推销方法、时间及技巧,做到推销时运用自如。 7,familiar with thevariousproductname,price,taste,skilled inmarketingmethods,time andskillstohandle very skillfully,sell.
8、熟练地使用托盘服务、站立服务、点单推销服务、气氛调节服务、顾客投诉服务等程序。 8,skilled in the use oftray service,standing service,singlesales service,atmosphereregulation service,customer complaintserviceprogram.
9、熟练掌握酒吧的服务操作程序,做到“镇定自如、忙而为乱”。 9,masterbarserviceprocedures,to "calm,busyandchaotic".
10、熟悉酒吧的设施设备的使用方法,检查方法及保管程序。 Use method 10,familiar with barfacilities and equipment,inspection andstorageprocedures.
11、熟悉公司内线电话号码,环境分布及报警电话号码。 11,familiar with the companytelephonenumber,distributionandalarm telephone number.
12、熟练地使用礼貌用语,要求“客到有欢迎声,客走有送客声,受人帮助有致谢声,打扰别人有致歉声,见人有问候声”。 12,skilled in the use ofpolite language,"customerrequirementstowelcome theguests leaveoutsound,there issound,by helping peopletoXie Shengapology,asoundto disturb others,agreetingpeople".
13、以优质细微的到位服务去满足被服务者的需求,使自身的服务水准永远站在同行业的前列。 13,by the high qualityfinein placeservices to meetservice usersdemand,make its servicelevelwill always standin the forefront of the same industry.
14、熟记“顾客永远是对的,上司永远是对的,团结永远是对的”,谨记“顾客是我们的衣食父母”。 14,by"the customer is always right,the bossis always right,unityis always right",that"the customer isour god".
15、注重自身形象,从道德素质、纪律要求、团结协作、技能技巧、服务效率等多方面要求自己,使自己能成为一名合格的四星级酒店服务员而感到自豪。 15,pay attention to their own image,from themoral quality,discipline,unity and cooperation,skills,service efficiencyand other aspects ofdemands on themselves,so that I can become aqualified fourStars Hotel attendantproud. 希望对你有帮助。
英语六级作文comment on i have no special
I have no special talent. I am an ordinary 12 years old boy studying in Grade 6. I lead a routine life every day to attend classes at school and struggle to finish my homework until late at night. I pass all my tests and examinations but am never getting any top grades. I participate in all kinds of competition such as drawing, Chinese calligraphy and singing but have never earned any prize. I like sports and enjoy very much running in the field and playing basketball with my classmates, but I am not been selected to represent the school to take part in any inter-school sports day. Until now I still do not know what I am particularly good at.
There are a lot of people think is the simple library management library,有很多人认为图书管理就是简简单单的借书还书,The book,近似于简单体力劳动,Similar to the simple physical labor,毫无技术性可 There is no technology can be 言。这种观点是有失偏颇的。图书管理员素质的高低将直接影响到图书馆(室)管理工作的 Words. This view is biased. The librarian quality will directly affect the management of the library (room) 正常开展,Normal development,直接影响到图书馆 Directly affect the library (室)(room) 的管理水平和服务质量。The management level and service quality.培养图书管理员应具备的素质,The librarian should possess the quality of training,以便以后的图书管理工作更上一个新台阶。Books management work for later more to a new level.
一、正视图书管理工作,热爱本职工作 First, face book management work, love the job 资料室的藏书量与日俱增,The collection of data is growing,没有一套 There is not a set of 科学 Science 的管理程序、 Management program,科学的管理方法是不可能管理好的,The scientific management method could not manage,因为图书管理所包含的技术含量也非常高。Because of the technical content of library management contains is very high.新旧更替更加频繁,More frequent replacement of old and new,各种专业分工越来越精细化,A variety of specialized division of labor is increasingly elaborate,图书管理者面对这样一个浩瀚的、 Library management in the face of such a vast,不断变化的书籍的海洋,Changing the ocean of books,掌握它、 Master it,发挥它的作用是一项复 To play its role is a complex 杂而艰巨的工作,The complex and arduous work,而绝对不是简单的机械劳动。It is not simple mechanical labor.每个图书管理者必须理解这一点,Each library managers must understand this point,认识到图 To realize map 书管理的重要性,The importance of book management,正视图书管理事业。Address book management career.称职的图书管理员必须把图书管理当作自己的事业一 Qualified librarian must put the books management as their career 样精心经营。热爱本职工作是空口而谈,要能够主动地去学习、去思考、去研究,积极地开 Careful management. Love the job is empty talk, to be able to take the initiative to learn, to think, to study, to actively open 展工作,发现问题、 The exhibition work, found the problem,解决问题,To solve the problem,使图书资源能够得到有效地利用,To make the resources can be effectively utilized,从而推动图书管理事业的 In order to promote the cause of library management 发展 Development 。.
二、服务态度和技能 Two, the service attitude and skills 美国著名的图书馆学家谢拉说:Sheila said USA famous library:“" 服务,这是图书馆的基本宗旨。The service, which is the basic purpose of the library.”" 要提高服务质量,必须 In order to improve the quality of service, must be 坚持贯彻 Adhere to the “" 两心原则 Two core principles ”———"--- 细心、耐心。Careful, patient.1.1 图书管理需要细心 Library management needs to be careful 首先,要熟悉质量管理体系,包括采购、编号、借阅、归还、流转、销毁等程序以及各个 First of all, to be familiar with the quality management system, including procurement, borrow, return, number, circulation, and destroying procedures and all 程序应该注意的问题、事项。模板的作用在于规范工作行为,The program should pay attention to the problem, things. The template is the role of normative behavior,指导工作开展,尽量避免出现 The guiding the work carried out, try to avoid 错误,提高办事效率。Error, improve work efficiency.其次,要不定时的对库存书籍进行清点,核对 Secondly, or the timing of the inventory of books to check, check 电子 Electronics 台帐,确保对每本书的跟踪控制。The accounting, to ensure the tracking control of each book.尽量 As far as possible 避免丢书、书籍破损的现象。Avoid losing his books, books damaged phenomenon.第三,及时补充货源,Third, timely supply,注意对书籍的有效性控制。确保每本书籍都有一本库存,Pay attention to the books of the effectiveness of control. To ensure that every book has an inventory,满足日常 To meet the daily 的查找、 Search,参考 Reference 。尽量做到新旧书籍及时更替和新书目录的及时发布。. As far as possible the timely release of new and old books and Book Catalogue timely replacement.第四,加深对书籍的记忆,熟悉图书大概使用内容,当新书入库时,Fourth, to deepen the memory books, books about the use of familiar, as when new storage,应该尽可能地将其前 As far as possible before it 言、目录浏览一遍,掌握其概貌,提高利用率。对旧书也可以利用排架、整架、修复...
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