

04月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的偶像作文开头结尾]我的偶像作文开头 1.我想,现在不管什么年龄段的人都会有自己的偶像,自己喜欢的明星吧!我们这个年龄段大多喜欢萧亚轩,李媛希等。爸爸妈妈喜欢邓丽君,刘德华等。只不过,我们比大...+阅读


我的偶像是吴俊余,他的英文名叫June。他的粉丝叫“金鱼”,我就是一个铁杆金鱼。他不过18岁,但他为梦想坚强奋斗的精神打动了我,我要以他为榜样,学习他的优点。我爱这个追梦的男孩,我爱吴俊余。 My idol is Wu jun yu, he called for June. his Fans called the "i was a goldfish. he is over eighteen years old, but he is a strong fighting spirit moved me, i would like to follow his example, the study of his virtues. i love the boy was chasing a dream, i love Wu jun yu. 我是自己翻译的 选我吧


My idol fei lunhai"fei lunhai" name comes from the German Fahrenheit Fahrenheit name transliteration. By four different personality, background pattern composed of boys, is intended to select four samples of four personality as temperature changes, it seemed that it was by the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons, composed of groups, like the seasons have warm, hot, cool cool and cold seasons, four members are from Canada,chen yiru represents WARM, Wang Dongcheng representative of HOT, from Brunei, Wu Zun is the representative of COOL, and dreams for school in the Graduate School of Journalism Department (now the University of Science and Technology Application of Kingman English) attending Yan Ya-lun,Representatives of the cold is COLD. There is a strong force in virtually everyone's mind about the feelings, just as clever as its flywheelsea, four samples of boys, whether in theater, advertising, star quality and the continued popularity means the pipeline. "飞轮海”命名来自于华氏温度Fahrenheit 德文的音译名。

由四位不同性格、出身的花样男孩所组成,取其意在四人四样个性如同温度的变化,就彷佛是由春、夏、秋及冬四季组成的团体,也一如四季有温暖、炎热、凉爽及酷冷的四季,四位团员是来自加拿大的辰亦儒代表着 WARM,汪东城代表HOT,来自汶莱的吴尊则是代表COOL,而为了梦想休学于大学新闻系(现景文科技大学应用英文系)就读的炎亚纶,就是酷寒COLD的代表。无形中有着强大力量左右每个人的心灵感受,恰如其份地巧妙形容飞轮海 ,四款男孩样本,无论在戏剧、广告、演艺 事业皆已渐露头角,明星气质与人气指持续酝酿中.


亲,这个你看行不行?还有一篇,我自己写的关于杰的饮食习惯的估计你用不上My favorite singer Zhangjie is my favoritr singer.His English name is JASON.He was born on December twentieth ,1982 in Sichuan.When he was a student,most of his classmates liked listening his songs and watching his dance.He realized that he had a gift for singing.And what is the most important is that he likes singing all the time.He firstly appeared on stage when he was still a college student at the age of 21. At that time he took part in "My style ,My show". He was No1 in the end, but his life did not changed so much because of it . He dreams of buying a large and comfortale house for his parents.So he took part in the"Super Boy" with enormous pressure. But after that,more and more people know him,I also became his fan.He has had four records so far,soon he will have a new record. Last year , he finally bought a house for his parents.The reason why I admire him so much is that :He sings very well,with a very unique voice and handsome as well as sunny simle.He is the most outstanding singer in my heart.He has many nice qualities.He is a perfect man.I will support Jason forever! 看看你是否满意....你自己也应该多多修改下,加入你自己的想法啊


我的偶像作文600字【我的偶像】 1955年10月28日,比尔盖茨出生在美国的西雅图。他用了15年时间,积累资产竟达1100亿美金。他的人生格言是:我是王,我能赢! 我喜欢比尔盖茨的远大理想,喜欢他永远自信...


我的偶像初中作文750天籁般的声音 ------许嵩 有那么一种声音,纯净无比,不带一点儿杂质,那是温暖的声音。 有那么一种声音,轻吟浅唱,静静地诉说衷肠,那是心底的声音。 有那么一种声音,朝气十足,尽情地释...

我的偶像作文500字我的偶像权志龙 每当我把自己融进那和谐的音乐声里时,我发现,我有一种自豪感——因为我有一个偶像,令人敬佩的偶像,令人感动的偶像,令人回味的偶像。他就是权志龙。 他是国当红偶...

我的偶像的作文我的偶像 每个人心目中都有自己喜欢是偶像。那我的偶像是谁呢?他是一个伟大的人物。他,永远都是把自己的力量、精神、金钱全都奉献给人们。他,永远都是那么伟大,那么舍己为人。...



以我的偶像写一篇作文我的偶像 幼儿时,我的榜样是父亲,我认为他无所不知,无所不晓。小学是,我的榜样是老师,我认为她博古通今,知识渊博。现在,我的榜样是我最亲的母亲。 我的母亲是一个最平凡的人,却有是...

我的偶像妈妈作文我的偶像妈妈作文,写一篇关于偶像是自已母亲的作文600字:[我的偶像——妈妈作文] 如果有人问我,谁是你的偶像,那么我会毫不犹豫地回答,我的偶像是我妈妈,我的偶像——妈妈作文。...
