

04月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一次难忘的经历]过年了,到处都洋溢着喜庆的气氛,大人们都在急着买年货,小孩子们聚在一起放鞭炮。为了庆祝,我们家和叔叔家一起去饭店吃饭。我和叔叔家的姐姐兴趣相投,聊得十分开心。 快吃饭了,我...+阅读


An unforgettable experience Usually,the first time you did something is unforgettable,although it couldn't be always wonderful. As for me,an unforgettable experience of mine is the first time I joined the Red Cross.We took boxes,and walked on the street.We found some people on the street,then asked them to raise some money for Red Cross.At first,we were so surprised that just a few people would raise some money for Red Cross,and some people even thought we were cheat!But we weren't upset.We went on and worked for the whole day. During that day,we all felt tired but happy,because we raised much money.We looked at the boxes and smiled. It's really an unforgettable experience!

求一篇英语作文 60字题目 An unforgettable story一件难忘的故事

An unforgettable story Yesterday when I was walking on the road, a bus hit a man. The man was knocked down. There was plenty of blood on the road. The man was seriously hurt. But the driver ran away. The crowd stared at the man, but no one knew what had happened. Of course, no one dialed 120. I took out my mobile phone and dialed 120. Soon an ambulance came. It took the man to the nearest hospital. Finally, the man died. Everyone felt very sad. This is an unforgettable experience. It tells me when we are crossing the road, we should be careful. We must obey the traffic rules. Why is it so unforgettable? Because the man's life was over. Everyone has only one life. This accident is so terrible that I can't forget it.


An unforgettable experience

Usually,the first time you did something is unforgettable,although it couldn't be always wonderful.

As for me,an unforgettable experience of mine is the first time I joined the Red Cross.We took boxes,and walked on the street.We found some people on the street,then asked them to raise some money for Red Cross.At first,we were so surprised that just a few people would raise some money for Red Cross,and some people even thought we were cheat!But we weren't upset.We went on and worked for the whole day.

During that day,we all felt tired but happy,because we raised much money.We looked at the boxes and smiled.

It's really an unforgettable experience!


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