

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初三作文怎样学好英语]Dear Mary I am happy to receice your letter. I was weak in English before but now I am good at it. I think if you have good ways of learning English and work ha...+阅读


First, you should persevere. It's true that English is sometimes really very difficult for us. But if you have a good method of learning, I think you will be good at it. Both English listening and speaking are the most difficult for almost every beginner. Sometimes, it seems impossible to learn. But I think if you do a lot of practice, you will make progress, you should speak more and listen more often. You'd better speak English with your classmates as often as possible not only in class but also out of class. I advise you to buy a radio, so you can listen to some English programmes over the radio. Then you will travel in the world of English.If you do that, you'll be able to learn English well easily, and you'll like English very much.


As we know,English gets growingly important now.Then how can we learn English well?

First, you should develop the interest on English reading. There is a saying that interest in the best teacher. If you have interest on English, you may read English materials as much as possible actively. After so much Englsih reading you can find you have formed the English feeling.

Second, you should ste up the goal of English study. This means you know it clearly that which is the importance that you should make progress in. For those whose speaking ability is poor, it's better to make more oral communications with others while for those who can hardly perform well in any reading test, more practice on reading is a good choice. Furthermore, we should relate listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation together instead of getting them separated.

Third, to master English knowledge better, we should use English in practice.


I'm glad to give you some suggestions. First of all, don't be disappointed. Many students find it difficult to learn English. In my opinion, if you want to improve your English, you should do the following things. First, do some studying with the set phrases and sentence structures. Keep a list of them and then try to make some sentences with them. Second, read English as much as possible. There are many things that can't be learnt immediately. You must see them in books many times. Then you'll be able to use them correctly yourself. So, in order to master English, you must learn to read a lot. Finally, you'd better recite some good passages. The more passages you read, the better you will get.

I'm sure you can improve your English as long as you study hard. Remember, practice makes perfect.


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