

05月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com



This winter holiday I wanna going to Australia to enjoy my vacation.Australia is still pretty warm in winter and alwans sunny.I will go sightseeing ,shopping, enjoy some special snacks and learn more about European culture and history.The most important is that I can have a good rest.What a fantastic plan !I can't wait !


1.My name is Jason, I am 14,my school is 重庆一中(我不知道你们学校有没有英文名).I like music and art. I want to go to America because I am very interested in it and I want to know more about America.2. Thanks for the family who wants me to be one of them.3. My parents are very kind and funny. I usually take vacations, work out and play instrument in a band....


美国夏令营作文【美国夏令营】 一说起快乐时光,我脑海就浮现了在美国夏令营的美好开心的日子。今年暑假,我去了美国洛杉矶参加当地的夏令营。美国的夏令营活动可多了,有跳舞的,有科学的,还有体...

写一篇为什么去美国留学的作文用英语!I am graduating from high school this summer. I realize that I am at the best stage of my life to increase my knowledge by systematic study, to learn usefull sk...

夏令营发生了一件什么事作文300字I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt and played with my foreign teachers...

第一次去天池山参加夏令营作文一阵暖风扑面而来,有种潮湿的感觉。思绪一下子又回到了三年前,第一次参加夏令营的时候,这也是我第一次离开父母,过集体生活。 当时爸妈帮忙整理好行李,叮嘱了几句,仅仅这些,或许是...

80120词的英语夏令营海报作文I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt and played with my foreign teachers...

关于英语夏令营的作文I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt and played with my foreign teachers...

写一篇去美国游学的英语作文the city of qingdao the city of qingdao lies in the east of shandong province. it is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches. qingdao is a wonderful place...

英语作文:写给你的朋友去美国留学I'm really glad to hear from you and know you are getting along. I think it is common for you not to get used to the life there.? Here I have some suggestions f...

写英语夏令营的作文可怎样起题目Dear Sir or Madame,I'm glad to be invited the English summer camp.I've decided to go to Beijing for the English summer camp during the time from 15 to 22,July,b...
