

05月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2017年开学第一课作文500字]开学第一课作文500字【1】 今天,我观看开学第一课,这是第四期了,主题是幸福。 小班长开始提问什么是幸福?我想:幸福就是有一个疼自己的爸爸,爱自己的妈妈。有一个幸福的家庭,就有...+阅读


What is happiness (Kaiser3344手写) An emotion is an intense feeling. Happiness is one of the many emotions humans experience. It may perhaps be the most important feeling a person can have and it 护锭篙瓜蕻盖戈睡恭精is the one feeling everyone strives to achieve, yet strangely, for the most part, people seem to only get a glimpse of it. Pleasurable satisfaction, a state of well-being and contentment are the more outstanding elements of happiness. Happiness, known more formally as felicity, is good. A state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy and can be applied to almost every kind of enjoyment. It can be defined and characterized in several ways- metaphorically, by life's everyday pleasures, and by the behaviors and accomplishments of a happy person. 【楼主】纯手写,若觉得满意,望多多支持!!!


Now my holiday is over and I begin to study at school again .I had a very good time at my holiday and I have finished all my homework .Besides most of the housework of my family was done by me ,so my mother was very happy .Now at the begining of the new semester,I must make a plan .I will study much harder than before and get a good result . I will spend more time studing English for my English is poor.Of course to study other subjects is also my duty .


好。。那就以开学为e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333337613835题。。I'm so happy that I graduated from junior high school and come to this senior high school. Now I will accept a lot of new things. New classmates, I will try to get along well with the calssmate in our calss, and make some good friends as soon as possible. New teachers, teachers will be more strict with us. I will respect them in class and after school. New classes, I will learn more knowledge in senior high school, I will keep following the teachers and do my best in all classes. I'm ready for the challenges now....


This is the first day of school. I feel very excited about it. I am curious about the new classmates in class. Who are they ? Where they come from ? Are they frendly ? And I am look forward to have some new teacher who have experience to give some inspiration to class, thus we will learn more and always being interesting in study. I hope every thing will be fine.


2017年开学第一课主题作文2017年开学第一课主题作文 1 20**年9月1日晚上,我跟奶奶、爸爸一块儿看了《开学第一课》。在观看《开学第一课》的时候,我迎来了小学五年级开学的第一天,在这短短的三节班课会...

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