

07月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com








1.Welcome to business function! Are you confused about how to survive your first business function? Here are some helpful suggestions. Above all, whether your topics are appropriate usually depends on what people you are talking to. When talking with your CEO or clients, food, cloths and the weather are good. To your new colleagues, you can talk something about how to network and deal with the new job. Moreover, some topics are to be avoided. Money, age, marriage, sex are private business you should never ask. Business function should be a party where everyone enjoys himself, so the sensitive topics like religion and politics are inappropriate. Do you feel worried? Try the ABC technique. It means thinking of a topic starting with the letters alphabetically, then you can start your conversation. Small talk is not just asking, you need to listen too. Others feel awkward as you do, so don't be afraid, just go up and talk.How do new employees survive their new jobs? By being good schmoozers! You are selling yourself and your company at a business function, so just try to do better.缩写:Here are some helpful suggestions on how to survive your first business function.Above all, whether your topics are appropriate usually depends on what people you are talking to. Moreover, some sensitive topics like religion and politics are to be avoided. If you feel worried, think of a topic starting with the letters alphabetically, then you can start your conversation. so don't be afraid, just go up and talk. How do new employees survive their new jobs? By being good schmoozers! You are selling yourself and your company at a business function, so just try to do better. 2.Elvis Aaron Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, the USA on January 8, 1935. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.At the age of five he loved to listen to radio music. He also liked to go to his neighbourhood church and listen to the music by the black singers and musicians, called gospel. When Elvis was 16 his father bought him a guitar for his birthday. Because his father had very little money, the guitar had no strings. Elvis got a part-time job as a milkman and bought one string a month. So in six months he could play his guitar. Lucky for him a guitar has only six strings!One day he went to a recording studio and made a song for his mother on her birthday. The manager of the studio thought Elvis was a great singer and decided to make records for him.Next Elvis Presley went on the Ed Sullivan programme and everyone loved him. Elvis had lots of hit records and became the biggest rock singer in the world.He also made lots of films. In 1968 Elvis got his own TV show and it was very popular. He went to Las Vegas and gave a very successful concert there.Around the world he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist. People think he is one of the most important figures of the 20th century popular culture.Elvis died at his Memphis home,Graceland, on August 16, 1977. 缩写:Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 and died on August 16,1977.He was founded by the manager of the studio.He became the biggset rock singer in the world.And he also made lots of film .In 1968 Elvis got his own TV show and it was very popular. People think he is one of the most important figures of the 20th century popular culture.


1.保持原意。(主题思想不变) 2.字数要符合要。 3.不要打破原文内容顺序。 4.不要修改段落。 5.只留下主要内容,去掉修饰词。 6.明确主题,删掉与主题没关系的内容 7.明确时间、地点、人物 事情的起因、经过、结果六要素 例如: 《草船借箭》缩写 周瑜妒忌诸葛亮的才干,设计十天造十万支箭来陷害他,诸葛亮将计就计,立下军令状,三天造好十万支箭。 周瑜派鲁肃探听消息,可鲁肃却私自拔了二十条船,根据诸葛亮的要,两边排上一千多个草把子,并用青布幔子遮起来。且答应对周瑜保密。 第一天,他没有什么动静,第二天,仍不见他有什么动静,第三天四更,大雾漫天时,诸葛亮邀鲁肃前来取箭。他叫人用绳索把二十条船连起来,朝北开去。靠近曹军水寨时,他又下令船头朝西,船尾朝东,一字排开。

军士们边擂鼓边呐喊。江面大雾弥漫,曹军不敢出兵,便叫弓弩手射箭。诸葛亮又下令调头受箭,等箭射满了,便顺风顺水驶回。曹操这才知道上当了,但已经来不及追回。 箭如期“造”好,周瑜长叹一声:‘诸葛亮神机妙算,我真比不上他


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