

07月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com




On Praise

Everyone wants to be appreciated and praised by others for what they do and what they say. For instance, children want to be praised by their parents. Students want to be praised by their teachers. Employees want to be praised by their employers. It seems that praise is like sunlight to us, we can't flower and grow without it.

But it is a pity that while most of us are only too ready to blow the cold wind of harsh criticism on others, we are somehow reluctant to give people around us the warm sunshine of praise. For example, most mothers are always not satisfied with the progress their children made at school Most teachers always drown their students compositions in critical red ink, instead of commenting favorably on them.

Most employersarealways criticalabout what their employees have done instead of giving encouragement to them. produces may be great. So, let's be alert to the small excellence around us and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people's lives, but also, very often, add happiness to our own.



春姑娘来了,她悄悄带来了春风和雨露,大地渐渐苏醒了。小草偷偷把头探出来,看看刺骨的寒风有没有走,然后,便穿上了绿新装,在阳光下跳着集体舞;绿油油的大树上,一片片嫩嫩的小芽冒了出来,多嘴的麻雀聚在枝头聊起天儿来;花骨朵一个个渐渐展开了花瓣,争相露出小脸,远远望去五彩缤纷,印入我的眼帘的是一片花的海洋,粉红的桃花,白白的茶花,金黄的迎春花……人们争先恐后来到花前留影,留下美丽的98容颜,美好的回忆;蓝蓝的天空中,大雁排成“人”字,“叽叽喳喳——”它们高声歌唱,迎接新春的到来;这时,成群的小蜜蜂也来了,它们背着小花篮在花丛间采着花蜜,唐朝诗人罗隐的《蜂》浪现在我的脑海中:天伦平地与山尖,无限风光尽被占,采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜?勤劳的“小精灵”,它们不辞辛劳为人类酿造芳香的花蜜的精神真值得我们学习啊! 俗话说:春雨贵如油!当春雨来临时,雨好像一颗颗断了线的珍珠从天而降,洗绿了树叶和小草,也洗亮了整个大地,雷公公也来看热闹,打起鼓来“轰隆隆”,那场面热闹非凡。

看,田野里一片繁忙的景象,农民伯伯正在春耕,他们洒下一粒粒种子,也播下了一个个收获的希望。 啊!看,春天像一幅精美的油彩画;听,春天的脚步声离我们越来越近了。春天是一个美好的季节,春天是一个希望的季节,它好似一个前奏曲,一首希望与收获的乐章即将开始…… 火红的夏娃娃走了…… 秋姑娘来了。凉爽的秋风“嗽嗽”地吹着一片片落叶,它们在天空中翩翩起舞,像一只只花蝴蝶;火红的枫叶好似一团团燃烧的火焰。在果园里,果树上结满了红通通的苹果、黄澄的梨、晶莹剔透的紫葡萄,柿子挂在枝头上好似一个个小灯笼,石榴们高兴地裂开了嘴巴,开心得不得了。在农田里,农民伯伯正在忙碌着收割粮食,他们的脸上露出了高兴满足的笑容。在粮仓里,小麦穿着金黄的上衣,高梁好似燃烧的火把。

有谁比这秋天更美丽?看,大雁们正排着整齐的队伍朝温暖的南方飞去,向日葵摇头微笑着;听,蛙声停息了,蝉声消退了,多嘴的麻雀已不再叽喳了。 啊,多么让人心醉的绚丽的秋色,多么令人兴奋的欣欣向荣的景象啊!秋天是个金色的季节,秋天是个收获的季节,让我感到舒心的满足。 寒冬即将来临,可我们一点也不害怕,因为在我们心中,充满希望的春天和收获满满的秋天在等着我们呢! Spring girl came, she was quietly brought the spring breeze and rain, the earth gradually woken up. Grass sneaked out of his head probe to see if there biting wind to go, and then they put on the green lift to jumping in the sun dance; green trees on a piece Nennen take out a small bud, talkative sparrows gather in the branches chatted days children come; Huagu Duo petals one by one started slowly, competing reveal little face, well looked colorful, printed into my eyes is a sea of flowers and pink peach blossoms, thereby The Camellia, golden forsythia ... ... People come to spend his frenzied rush to leave the beautiful face of 98, fond memories; blue sky, the wild geese arranged in "human" character, "twitter -" they are loud singing to welcome the arrival of spring; this time, the small groups of bees have come, they are carrying a small basket of flowers with nectar in the flowers between the mining, the Tang dynasty poet Luo Yin's "Bee" Waves in my mind now: Tianlun the plains and jian, unlimited scenery to make the occupied, picking flowers into honey too, after a hard Whom Sweet Whom? Hard-working "little wizard," they tirelessly for human aromatic brew the nectar of the spirit of the true worth studying ah! As the saying goes: rain expensive, such as oil! When the rain comes, the rain seemed to many hearts broke its pearls from heaven, washed green leaves and grass, but also wash the whole earth bright, Lei father also came to watch the fun, playing drums to "rumbled", that scene crowded. See, the fields a busy scene, and farmers uncle was spring, they shed seeds and capsules, but also sowed a harvest of hope. Ah! Look like a beautiful spring, oil painting; listen to the spring's footsteps away from us nearer. Spring is a beautiful season, spring is a season of hope, it seems like a prelude to a movement of hope and harvest is about to begin ... ... Red summer doll away ... ... Fall girl came. A cool autumn wind "cough cough" to blowing a fallen leaves, they are dancing in the sky, like a butterfly only; red Maple Leaf is like a round and round the burning flame. In the orchard, fruit trees, full of bright red knot apples, Cheng Huang's pear, crystal clear Muscatel grapes, persimmons hanging on the branches is like a small lantern, pomegranates were happy to split the mouth, very, very happy . In the fields, farmers are busy harvesting grain uncle, their faces reveal a happy satisfied smile. In the granary, the wheat, wearing golden clothes, ...





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