

07月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[ My Hero关于蜘蛛侠的英语小作文70词左右]I think Spiderman is great.When I first watched the movie 'Spiderman', I was so attract with special effects. Spiderman's name is Peter Parker. He lost his pare...+阅读


Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.But now,people cut down many trees and air pollution,water polloution is very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work. Third , we shouldn't throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn't use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us. Let's protect our environment! 仅供参考。

用英语写一篇旅游作文 70词左右

您好,以下是本人写的一篇去西安旅游的英语作文,希望对您有帮助: Last month I just came back from Xi'an, where I went for a trip. Xi'an is a beautiful city with lots of famous places of interest. I saw the famous terra-cotta warriors, which is amazing. I also went to the ancient Drum Tower. Despite the weather is windy, I tried some of the traditional snacks in Xi'an. The food was so delicious and I liked it a lot. The trip was so fun that I enjoyed it very much. It was my first time in Xi'an, and I think I will go back again in the future.


Summer 浪漫夏日 Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words. 夏日的下午-喜爱日的下午;对我来说,这几个字一直是英语语言中最美丽的两个字。 Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; when we don't have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up;but also when we lay hot and sweaty in bed, unable to sleep at times (those of us who don't have air conditioning, anyway);when we get the sunburn and the heatstroke and all those wonderful things. 浪漫夏季,这是一年中最灿烂的季节,我们可以穿上短裤,短袖衬衣,尽情地感受着夏日的空气以及播撒在皮肤上的阳光;我们不必要在清晨起床后就去打开暖气;当然我们也会满身是汗,燥热地躺在床上,而无法入眠(那些没有空调设施的人们);有了一身夏日晒斑,中了暑,这一切都是我们经历着夏日的美妙事情。

Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you're four years old.Summer is a man with his coat off, wet sand between your toes, the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise.Summer is silk itself,a giant geranium and music from a flute far awary! 夏日是一叶小舟上的船夫,是你四岁时不小心沾在裙子上的冰淇琳。夏日是赤裸着上身的男人,是浸入你脚趾间的湿漉漉的沙子,夏日还是朝阳初升前一小时的那花园里的清香味。夏日就是那丝绸段,那盛开的天竺葵,以及从远方飘来的悠悠长笛声! No matter how we see it, summer has a magic that we can't deny—all four seasons do. Here to those who have addressed that magic:enjoy your summer! 不管我们如何看待它,夏季总有着那么一种我们无法否认的魔力—每个季节独有的魔力。谨以此节目献给那些演绎着夏日激情魔力的人们:请尽情享受你们的夏日乐趣!


Came, grass green, bonus, and grass secretly drilled from the earth ground, in the spring, the grass swaying, from a distance, a large a large green can be good-looking. Grass hard to drill up, you let me, I will not let you, drink a little tired just rained dew, dew drop as long as the whole body will be able to nourish the grass, the grass will be desperate to drill up, early drilled the ground grass breathe this bright world of fresh air, exclaimed: "! ah, how brilliant World, I want to grow up quickly."

Flowers also desperate to grow up, as early as the opening of a two flowers that spring eyebrows, right? Lovely grass holding beautiful flowers, covered with grass, flowers windward laugh. Really beautiful ah! Different varieties of flowers, there is not the same position, miscellaneous gentile: peach, pear, apricot ...... their colorful cheeks, attracted a lot of children.


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