

08月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求2篇初中英语日记100字要带翻译的]After breakfast ,I study in my room,I have some difficulties, but I can do. Noon, I help mother wash vegetables, cook with mother,my mother and I feel very happ...+阅读


July 7 2009 It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don't feel lonely. But I didn't do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. July 10 2009 I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.


自己写的,关于奥运开幕式的 中文意思是: 今天我很兴奋,因为是奥运会在鸟巢开幕的日子。它是一个国际盛世,全世界都在关注,当然也包括我。 今晚我在电视上看到了一场精彩的演出,太神奇了,但李宁将圣火点燃的时候,我想全中国的人都在欢呼,庆祝。 在这一神圣的时候,我感到非常的骄傲,为自己是中国人。我爱我的祖国,相信他会越来越强盛。 我希望奥运能够成功举办,祝愿祖国能够得到更多的金牌! I'm so excited today. Because today is the day that Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony is held in the National Stadium( Bird's Nest). It is an international event and the whole world is watching. Of course, including me. I watched a wonderful performance from TV this night. It's fantastic. When the Olympic torch was lit up by Li Ning, I think all of Chinese people cheered and applauded. At that royal moment, I'm so pound of myself, as a Chinese people. I love my country and I believe it will be stronger and stronger. I hope the Olympics success and pray our country will win more gold medals.


7.1,cloudy today is not very hot,i went to a park,there were many people in the park,but i was alone.wish i could go to park with my firends next time.i like this kind of feeling to walk in the fresh air. 7.2 sunny i got up late this morning,i was afraid i would late for school.fortunately i arrived school on time,otherwise the teacher would angry with me,he may ask me to cope the book more than 10 times,or run in the ground morethan 1 hour. 7.3 i saw a dog in the street tonight,it was so cute,golden hairy and shining,i like is very much!i hope i can have one,then we can play together,walk together and sleep together.but my mama doesnt like dog. 7.4 today is weekend,very nice, i can get up later,watch some movies and relax on my bed,wish everyday is weekend!!!hahahaha.maybe i should wash my clothes now,too many dirty clothes in the washmachine. 7.5 i went to bed very late last night,when i woke up it was 2pm,ohhhh.am i too lazy??perhaps.have to go to school tomorrow,i hate monday! i ate a cicken just now,my dinner,very nice,i am very full now. 7.6 monday again,i got up very early,i couldnt fell asleep last night,because i always think about that i have to go to school on time.i was very sleepy while the teacher was teaching. 7.7 a classmate caught a small snake this afternoon,it was white and black,very ugly,maybe very poison.he said he would keep it in a box,but i thought his father will kill it and eat it. 7.8 today is my friend's birthday,i dont know what gift i should buy for her,maybe she wont like my gift.finally i bought a small doll for her.we ate birthday cake after dinner,very delicious. 7.9 my father went for a biz trip today,he will come back in 3 days,before he left,he told me that i should be a good boy(girl) whn he was not home.i am very happy he left. 7.10 the math teacher gave us so many homeworks today!too difficult,i dont know how to do them,i wish i am smart enough!i think i have to finish the homeworks before midnight. 7.11 i saw the dog again,it is a boy, 1 years old,he likes to swim,but i dont swim,maybe he can save me if i fell into a river one day,or maybe i have to learn how to swim,then i can swin with it one day. 7.12 my father came back this afternoon,he bought me a gift,a small computer,he said i could use it for study,and watch movies on holiday.i like it very much,thank you my father!


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