The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones
Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows about students' using mobile phones at school.Firstly, with a mobile phone in hand, a student can get in touch with parents conveniently.Secondly, mobile phones can sometimes be used as a dictionary if it is connected with the Internet, which is beneficial to students' English learning.However, its advantages are also obvious.To start with, getting in touch with friends as well as parents by the phone too frequently will surely have a bad effect on students' study.What's worse, it is common for students to get addicted to mobile phone games.From the comparison between these positive and negative effects, we know that its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. Therefore, students had better not use mobile phones.
It has been widely recognized that mobile phone can do a lot of harm to people's health and many evidence can be named to prove this.
For one thing, Not only can they harm your eyes,making you be short in sight,but also scientists have proved that they can also affect your brian as well. For another,it is a waste of time to usse mobile phone too much,which will makes you addicted. Moreover, mobile phones can also spread some false information to cheat you. last but not least,it can be a waste of energy and money.
So ,only when you face this problom carefully,can you avoid its bad effcets.
楼上翻译如下: 好像不是这样当乘客在大叫下他们的手机,但其他乘客沮丧的是,大多数美国人认为有潜规则,手机礼节。 检查电子邮件发送文本信息,并使电话公司whilein别人明确马裤移动礼仪。 在一个日期也发严格禁止的。 但是大多数人质疑的一项在线调查中表示,他们不会因为他们收到的offendedif电子谢谢你,而不是一个音符上,75%有不反对别人用笔记本电脑和手机,netbooks在浴室里。 另附演讲稿一份 The middle school students whether take cellphone to school or not,this is a qusetion. 60 percent of students thought that they should take cellphone to school, because it's convenient for them to communicate with others and to told parents where they are and when they go home.So their parents did not worry. 40 percent of students thought that they should not take cellphone to school.Because it costs much money to buy a new cellphone.It take more time to use it,too.So they suggested that school should take action to stop it. Student as we are,we should study hard.We aslo should obey the rule which is made by school. 译: 中学的学生上学是否要的手机,这是一个道题。
60%的学生认为他们会这样做 带手机去学校,因为它方便他们与别人进行交流,告诉父母在那里,当他们回家。所以他们的父母不担心。 40%的学生认为他们不应该带手机去学校。因为它花费很多钱去买一个新的手机。它把更多的时间花在使用它了。所以他们建议学校应采取行动来制止它。 我们是学生,我们应该努力学习。我们也应该遵守的原则是由学校。 你可以两篇一起修改成一篇。希望可以解你燃眉之急~~
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