

09月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com



我擅长打篮球 I'm good at basketballMy favourite sport is basketball .我最喜欢打篮球I think it is interesting and it can keep me healthy. 我认为它既有趣又能使我保持身体健康I play basketball three times a week . 我一周打三次篮球I often play it with my friends in my school .我经常和我的朋友在学校打篮球I feel very happy when I play basketball in school with my classmates .当我和同学在学校打篮球时我感到很高兴Basketball is very easy to play .篮球打起来很容易It is a very good sport .它是一项好的运动I like it better than any other sport.比起其他的运动我更喜欢打篮球...


I have some hobbies. It can spend much spare time, and let my life colorful. I enjoy playing basketball. It is fun. And, it helps me keep fit. I know that basketball is good for the health. When I was a junior school student basketball keep me company. It lets me have the sense of achievement when I get a grade. For example, we won a basketball game, today. My companions and I felt very happy. It also hope me make many friends. My life can't without basketball. Another hobby is watching TV. For many people television has become a major source of information and entertainment. In the past ten years, it has provided us with information and entertainment of various kinds. Many members in a family, after dinner, accustom ourselves to gathering around and turning on the channel us like. I take delight not only in the great events happening in the world but also in the news of sporting events, music, and plays. Some of me even spend almost all the night watching TV until I feel tired or there is nothing on the screen. However, the ware some people worrying about the harm television dose to some people, epically the children and young people, example, some sexual channel or some violence channel are bad for us. We should choose good channel careful. Besides, I am studying in the school. I have much spare time. And hobbies are more important for me. They make my day-to day life wonderful and colorful


打篮球作文打篮球作文(1) 今天,我上体育课,我和同学打篮球打得非常的激烈。我当中锋,另一个当前锋,还有一个当防御的,我们3挑3,一边3个。比赛开始了,我纷纷去抢球,防御的防着对方的防御者,前锋去...

打篮球的作文怎么写今天我兴高采烈地来到篮球场打篮球。 以前,我不会打篮球。后来,我学会了“倒尿罐”,可是别人喜欢笑话我。所以我很少打篮球,要打就必须是在没人或者是别人不注意的时候。现在,我...

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初中作文教案我最喜爱如读书打篮球等我最喜欢读书 我最喜欢读书,因为书是一个五彩缤纷的世界;我最喜欢读书,因为书是一个开阔视野的海洋;我最喜欢读书,因为书是一把打开人生大门的金钥匙…… 打开书,迎接我的是一个五...


我学会打篮球的作文怎么写【我学会了打篮球】爸爸是个球迷,每次一打开电视就看球赛,久而久之,我也迷上了球赛。我看到美国选手麦而乔丹打篮球打得非常精彩,于是我对爸爸说:“爸爸,您教我打篮球吧!” 来到体...

写学打篮球的作文四百字以上写具体事实篮球迷也许,自己对篮球有一份微妙的感情。 不如男生们那般狂热,因为我不再可以疯疯癫癫地和男生一起驰骋在球场,站在同一个篮框下与他们抢球,不负众望地进球。所以,如今对篮球的喜欢,虽...


暑假作文写打篮球的暑假作文写打篮球的,我真的好想学打篮球求作文:打篮球 今天我兴高采烈地来到篮球场打篮球。 以前,我不会打篮球。后来,我学会了“倒尿罐”,可是别人喜欢笑话我。所以我很少打篮球...
