

10月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[动物园游记作文600字弟三人称写]这里有数不胜数的动物;这里有好玩极致的乐园;这里有令你难忘的事,这里就是——长隆野生动物园! 我们驾车“长驱直入”,一路看到了许多憨厚可拘的动物。马来貘,有长鼻而非象,有黑白...+阅读


I went to Australia the other day with my friend, and while we were there, we went to a lot of beaches, and heard that there were plenty of shark attacks in the water, so we decided to go to cinemas to watch movies instead. Australians were usually friendly, and glad to help, though there were some exceptions. It was a fun trip, we took a lot of photos as well as bought a lot of souvenirs.


Today was Sunday. My parents were free,too. I got up at 7'oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. Afterthe breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with myparents. It was already 9'oclock when we arrived at the zoo. There were so manymonkeys, tigers, lions, wolves and other animals in the zoo. We took manyphotos in the zoo with the animals. I will show these photos in my class afterthey were printed. The time passed so fast, we left the zoo at 1'oclock PM. Iwas so happy today. Now I feel very tired and I will go to bed early tonight.


In the zoo Oh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo. In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking. The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits in the zoo. They are very cute!Oh,look at the birds,they are flying. I am so happy!Haha! (翻译的) 在动物园 噢,今天真暖和!我打算去动物园. 在动物园,我能看见许多动物.大象在走路. 猴子在荡秋千.在动物园里有许多兔子. 它们非常可爱!噢,看那些小鸟,它们在飞. 我真开心!哈哈!


Before visiting the zoo,I had no idea how informative a visit to a zoo might be. Though the zoo I have visited is not big, I found many kinds of interesting animals and other creatures there. Lions, tigers and other animals were moving about lazily in their cages. Some of the animals appeared to be bored, and they took little interest in the visitors. The monkeys, however, showed their natural agility. Whenever they saw a visitor, they ran towards him and begged for something to eat. I was indeed amused at their behavior. Most of them were caught in Malaysia and their variety was amazing.But the most inportant is I like animals very much. Some of the birds too were very interesting to see. Their beautiful feathers fascinated me. Birds are indeed one of the loveliest creations of god. A few birds are larger than many animals. The lions and the tigers in this zoo were so docile that I could not but treat them as domestic animals like the dog and the cat. I went very close to them, but they showed little interest in me. I then began to think of how the animal or even human spirit could be broken by confinement. Confined to their cages, these animals had become spiritless. Even the sight of food did not see to excite them much. Then, there was the crocodile with its usual pretence of innocence. It refused to be disturbed. Heaven knows how it might have reacted if a child had fallen into its pit. However, my visit to the zoo had increased my knowledge of animals.


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