[玩具童话故事作文]小蚂蚁和七星瓢虫 在一个美丽的大森林里,住着两个小昆虫——小蚂蚁和七星瓢虫。他们互相帮助,成为了好朋友。 有一天,两个好朋友约定去踏青。于是,他们回了各自的家,拿好要带的东...+阅读
On one occasion, he's playing with other children in the backyard. The yard has a large water tanks, have a baby climb to the cylinder on the play, accidentally, fell into the tank factory. Large cylinder depth, saw the child was heavily silted. The accident happened to the other children saw, scared to cry while shouted, ran to the outside to adults for help. Sima guang has used his quick wits, picked up a big stone from the ground, his strength to the tank go, \"bang!\" Out of the tank is broken, the water flow in the cylinder, submerged in the water of the child is saved. Small sima guang, a calm demeanor, since the childhood is a pair of grownup look like. This is a story circulates \"sima guang hit a cylinder\". The accidental events make small sima guang notoriously, Tokyo and luoyang people painted pictures, it is widely believed to be
铁灌和铜灌是成语故事还是寓言故事《陶罐和铁罐》是一则寓言故事 国王的御厨里有两只罐子:一只是陶的,一只是铁的。骄傲的铁罐看不起陶罐,常常奚落它。 “你敢碰我吗?陶罐子!”铁罐傲慢地问。 “不敢,铁罐兄弟。”...
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