Never Too Old to Learn-学习永不言老 Learning is one of the most important things in one's life, especially for children being educated in schools of diffhrent levels. They learn languages, mathematics, history, geography and so on. They nmst know that they should acquire as nmch knowledge as possible, which can help them know better about the outside world and develop themselves for their future career. As for grown-ups, even the aged, learning is important as well. Although they have studied something for many years, and have learned a lot already, there are still some experiences and laws smnmed up or discovered by our predecessors for them to learn. Moreover, the world keeps changing unceasingly. There is always something new for them to learn. Thus, they must be aware that they should stick to learning throughout their lives. Constant learning can make people become more learned and experienced so that they can suit the changing world better. In short, the proverb"It is never too old to learn." is true of everyone. Let us start and keep learning.
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