[我最敬佩的一个人作文 400字]我最敬佩的一个人 作文 在我的童心中,深深地埋藏着许许多多我敬佩的人。有老师、有同学、警察叔叔……在他们之中,我最敬佩的是一位工作平凡的女清洁工! 她,大概20来岁,一双炯炯...+阅读
I and Olympic Games
Olympic Games is window, I keep watch. This is a maximum window, had been rubbed bright. Through it, those that see are worlds. Here, it is changing every day, here burgeoning thing is being replaced. Have only me, this loyalty keep watch, it is paying attention to it every day, hopes to know it more. Olympic Games is crossing, I am pedestrian. There are many persons who pass here every day, there is Asian, have European, there is old person, have child. Here is traffic fort, joins the friend of all corners of the country. I pass the one of persons of hundreds of millions of here merely, cross it, go to another world. Olympic Games is Holy Land, I am volunteer. This is the land with pure flat, has holy fire from start to finish to accompany in side. Just because it is so, I pay out voluntarily for it, I will let my strength, let this slice of land more clean, let more ones know it, is also willing to devote oneself to it as me. I still help to the person who comes to here, let them enjoy the happiness of this slice of Holy Land. Olympic Games is platform, I am host. It has put up platform for us , lets world know us; It has built bridge for us , lets us and world link up better. This platform may let us display self wantonly. I am the host of here, I am proud to be the host of here. I will let the friendship of landlord, let guest experience enthusiasm and happiness
我敬佩的一个人作文600字我敬佩的一个人 我敬佩的人—不管严寒酷暑,都坚守在自己的岗位上.指挥来来往往的车辆和行人,维护人民的安全.他,就是大家安全的守护神“交警叔叔”. 夏天,天气炎热.人们热得像蒸...
我敬佩的一个人作文 500字我最敬佩的人 我最敬佩的人是那一位清洁工人。我仅仅见过她一面,但她那种形象,那种为人民服务的精神却像一把利刀刻在我的心里,给我流下了深刻的印象。在她身上,我体会到许多人...
一个敬佩的人作文我是一个“书狂”,非常喜欢阅读故事书,尤其是名人的传记或生活短篇。我觉得名人的故事最有趣了。 一天,我的华文老师——何老师借我们班上同学一本书,书名是《用脚飞翔的女孩》...
作文我最敬佩的一个人[作文 我最敬佩的一个人] 敬佩是敬重、佩服的意思,作文 我最敬佩的一个人。在我们身边,有很多值得敬佩的人。可能是每天利用业余时间刻苦学习外语的妈妈;也可能是苦练书法的小...
我敬佩一个人作文我敬佩的一个人 如果你问我最敬佩的人是谁,我会不假思索地回答:舅舅。 我的舅舅个头1米78,方形的脸,一双的圆圆的大眼睛炯炯有神,高高的鼻梁下,有着一张能说会道的嘴。 舅舅是厦门...
作文:我敬佩的一个人500字我敬佩的一个人,是我的一个朋友,也是我的一个大姐姐。她叫孔凯薇。她长得不算出众,但她总是带着甜蜜的微笑,这是她看起来显得特别亲切、可爱。 孔凯薇姐姐几乎具备一名优秀学生...
关于2008奥运会的作文 1000字以上迎2008奥运作文范文----我看奥运 奥运是什么?在我的眼里,它是一场没有硝烟的战场。人类之间的战争,就其本质目的来说,并不在于屠杀,而在于使敌方屈服,这一点,在奥运会上得以充分实...
2008奥运会作文我为奥运喝彩,因为它的公平。 我为奥运喝彩,因为它的精神。 我为奥运喝彩,因为它的精彩。 是的。我为奥运喝彩,源于我们对更高,更快,更强的无限崇拜。也许正是因为它,人类才能不断...
2008奥运会的作文急急The 2008 Olympics are coming soon.We are all excited about it because it's the first time for China and all Chinese to hold the Olympic games. Our great country...