[my best friend英文作文]Tom is my best friend. Who is he? He is a dog. He is a special dog. My father give him to me at my 10 year birthday. The moment I saw him, I love him. His fur i...+阅读
The Nightingale
IN China, you must know, the Emperor is a Chinaman, and all whom he has about him are Chinamen too. It happened a good many years ago, but that's just why it's worth while to hear the story, before it is forgotten. The Emperor's palace was the most splendid in the world; it was made entirely of porcelain, very costly, but so delicate and brittle that one had to take care how one touched it. In the garden were to be seen the most wonderful flowers, and to the costliest of them silver bells were tied, which sounded, so that nobody should pass by without noticing the flowers. Yes, everything in the Emperor's garden was admirably
读鲁滨逊漂流记有感作文前不久,我读了英国作家丹尼尔。笛福着的《鲁滨逊漂流记》这本书。我被鲁滨逊。克鲁索孤独而顽强的冒险者的坚毅性格和英雄本色所深深地吸引了,不禁有感而发。 故事主要说了鲁...
作文读鲁宾逊漂流记有感暑假,我读了一本十分出色的小说《鲁滨孙漂流记》。打开这本外国小说,会使你马上融入作家笛福的小说世界。 这本书的主人公名叫鲁滨逊克罗索,他厌倦了英国的舒适生活,于是,他决定...
读鲁滨逊有感作文读《鲁滨孙漂流记》有感 二十八年,一个令人惊讶的数字,一个不可思议的数字!而他,鲁滨孙,就在海上漂泊了二十八年! 这是我看过这本书后最大的感触。 一六五九年九月三十日,一个人在...
读鲁宾逊漂流记有感600字——读《鲁滨孙漂流记》有感 我在细细品读完《鲁滨孙漂流记》后,便非常敬佩鲁滨孙自立的精神 鲁滨孙只身漂流到荒芜人烟的岛上,在我们一般人看来,早就郁郁而死了。而鲁滨孙却靠...
读鲁滨孙漂流记有感作文纸的三面700字六年级水平的读《鲁宾逊漂流记》有感 在西方,有一部小说,18世纪欧洲最杰出的思想家卢梭曾建议每个成长中的青少年,尤其是男孩子都应该读读他。那么,这是一本怎样的书哪? 这本书叫《鲁宾逊漂流...
求读匆匆有感作文 600字“燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.但,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢……”这是《匆匆》这篇文章中的一句引人深思的话. 主人...
有没有优美的英文段落啊奥黛丽赫本遗言 For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. 若要优美的嘴唇,要说友善的话; For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 若要可爱的眼睛,要看到别人的...
高分:求经典的英文作文开头和结尾要比交通用的那种注意事态哈 ·····不知道会不会有点难· 开头可以用 不做计划的人注定要失败。— He who fails to plan, plans to fail. A man who does not plan long ahead will fin...